Wednesday, April 27, 2005

And my tooth woes continue...

I got home last night and wanted to take a nap to sleep off some of the pain. No nap for me though; the pain wouldn't let me sleep. The whole side of my face felt like it was throbbing. Ibruprofen just wasn't cutting it. I called Moon to see if he had any painkillers. No luck. I called the dentist, and they called in a prescription for Vicodin. I took some and felt a lot better. But, they think I might need a root canal :( Ouch! I've never had one, but I hear they aren't the most pleasant things in the world. My tooth actually feels a lot better today, so I'm going to give it a day or two, and see how I feel.

Well, one bright spot in all of this is that it convinced Ross to get to the dentist!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I just got back from the dentist

Isn't that a bummer? I chipped a tooth last night. Turns out it chipped because there was a cavity. Oops! I haven't been the best at keeping up with the routine dentist appointments. I think it has been about 2 1/2 years since I last went. Well, I can assure you that I have learned my lesson. In fact, I have another appointment for next week to get a check-up and all that good stuff. Fun, fun. I hate the dentist! Is there anyone who actually enjoys their dentist visit? I think it is just about the worst thing in the world. In fact, I would rather have my annual "female visit" than go to the dentist. For all those ladies out there, that says a lot, doesn't it? Which would you prefer?

Anyway. That was the excitement of my day so far. I'm about to go meet Ross for lunch, which ought to be interesting since half of my mouth is numb!

Monday, April 25, 2005

I'm pooped

Ross and I worked all weekend on our house. Painting and cleaning sure are a lot of work! But so worth it. My brother helped us paint on Saturday, which was cool. We painted our bedroom, two walls in the living room, and I did a faux finish technique on one wall in the kitchen. The faux finish turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself. I have a little bit of touch-up to do around the edges. Those darn edges are tricky, I tell you.

Moon is almost finished with our bathroom. It looks incredible, and as Ross says, it looks professional. I can't wait to decorate it!

On Saturday night we went and hung out with Shannon and Jeremy and the girls at their new house. It is so awesome! They were painting and stuff, too. My lavender sweater even matched the color of Selena's wall! They all stopped by our house yesterday to check it out, which was cool.

Ross and I were in bed and asleep by 9:00 last night. We were so pooped, and not to mention sore. When you neck is craned all crazy while your standing on a ladder, and your hand is at an awkward angle, you use muscles that you aren't necessarily used to using. Oh well! I'm sure we'll be sore over the next few weeks with moving and all. I should just get used to it!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Keep your fingers crossed...

...our landlord is showing our apartment today. We are really hoping to be out by May 15th. If we have to pay rent until the end of the May, that will be a bummer. We have our house now, and we'd like to start living there. We can't justify it yet though, because we have to pay rent through May. If we got out on the 15th and got half our rent we're talking. Ross and I cleaned last night, and tried to make the apartment presentable, despite the mountain of boxes in the dining room. It's a little cluttered, but it is an organized clutter. We'll see...

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Tomorrow's the BIG day--For Shannon and Jeremy!!

Congratulations Shannon and Jeremy!

Tomorrow, two of our best friends become homeowners, too! How cool is it that we both become homeowners in the same week! I told them to get their hands ready for some serious signing. It is so cool that we have all been on this same path with the whole house thing. We can really identify with one another. From closing costs, to short-term projects, to long-term projects. It is pretty cool.

I can't wait until we get to see the inside of their house, and until they see the inside of ours. Hopefully we'll get a chance to do that this weekend.

Ross and I are going to spend the night at our house one night this weekend! How fun is that? We'll bring our air mattress and our sleeping bags. Maybe we'll even bring our small TV and rent a movie. We can camp out in the living room :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

We are officially homeowners!

And it feels pretty darn cool! Got the keys yesterday and went right to the house to get to work. We did take some time to go to Menards and stock up on all kinds of things that we didn't have to think about buying before. We bought a ladder, a shopvac, some heavy duty cleaning agents, etc. Good times, I tell you. The day was beautiful, so we did a bunch of yardwork. It felt great to be working outside. We got a lot done, but there is more to go. According to our neighbors (3 of which we met yesterday), the people before us didn't take the best care of the lawn. You can definitely tell it has been neglected. But Ross and I will make it look good. It might take us a few summers, but it's all good. Nothing is cooler than hanging out outside on a beautiful summer day, in your OWN yard, nonetheless!

I stopped by at lunch today, and Moon and Dino D had already put in our vanity. It looks so cool. The bathroom is a bit on the small side, but the huge mirror on the vanity makes it look so much bigger.

I'm heading to the apartment (I have to call it the apartment, because after all, home is now the house!) after work to grab a few things and then I'm heading to the house. Ross and I are going to do some basement cleaning tonight. Good times!

Hey does feel like a holiday :) I don't know if it's the house thing or what...Happy April 20th to all!

Monday, April 18, 2005

Tomorrow's the BIG day!

It is finally here! Tomorrow we sign for our house! We are so excited!

I got so much done this weekend! I was a mad packer, let me tell you. I also went shopping with my mom and bought a few items for our "Olive Garden" kitchen. The whole design is coming together rather nicely.

We have so much planned for tomorrow. Close, get the keys, help Moon bring over all the supplies for the bathroom, paint, yardwork, clean, etc. It is going to be a really busy day, but I can't think of a better way to spend a day than in our new house! We will be homeowner's 24 hours from now!

I must say that I got a little bit of a shock when I called the electric company this weekend. Our gas and electric bill is going to be a bit higher than we budgeted for. We are spoiled, because we don't have to pay for our heat in our apartment. Why is heat so expensive? Oh wait, I know! The costs of heating go up every year because the resources needed to produce the heat get more and more scarce. Why not invest in alternate forms of energy instead of coal and oil? I better stop this rant, because I could go on forever...Besides, everything that is going on is way too cool to think about that. Needless to say, we are going to be eating Ramen noodles and grilled cheeses for the rest of the year! I told Ross that we need to save money for at least one date a month. That is important, don't you think?

Saturday, April 16, 2005

I want a break

I've been packing like crazy. I must have packed 6 or 7 boxes in the last 50 minutes! It is kinda cool to go through a bunch of stuff I haven't looked at in awhile. I'm listening to some 311, packing, and hanging out. The only thing I would change is to have Ross here!

Friday, April 15, 2005

Just call me a packing machine

I'm trying to get myself hyped up for what is sure to be a good time of packing this weekend. Ross works, so I figure why not? I can get a lot done. Maybe I'll even get started tonight.

Besides packing, I don't have too much planned for this weekend. Hopefully, I'm going to hang out with my dad tomorrow evening. That will be nice.

Ross and I have a lot of running around to do today. We are going to check out some paint, and maybe purchase a few things for the new house. We only have to wait 3 more days until Tuesday is here! Whoo Hoo!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I'm bummed!

Came back from lunch today, only to discover that they fired one of my best friends here at work, Joan. It makes me sad, as I really enjoyed her company. The bummer is that it came out of nowhere. I was grateful that my boss called me into his office to tell me personally though. That meant a lot to me. He knew how close we were.

The thing I like about Joan so much is that she reminds me very much of my mom. And I consider my mom to be one of my best friends in life. I'll miss Joan, but I have no doubt that we'll keep in touch. As I told her, she is too good of a friend to not keep in touch. We'll still have our occasional lunches, and maybe even that Tom Petty/Black Crowes concert this summer (hint, hint, Ross)!

I'll miss you, Joan.

Check it out...

I entered a contest to guess the Packers 2005 schedule. I didn't win, but I did well enough to get mentioned in the article. Pretty cool, hey?!

This morning, we had a Marketing Meeting at the Marriott. It was my turn to take notes. I felt like I was in college again; my hand cramped up and everything. We did get breakfast, though, so I can't complain!

Ross and I are going to go shopping for paint tomorrow! We still haven't decided whether we are going to paint the living room/hallway yet, but we are going to paint our bedroom and the wall in the kitchen for sure. That is our plan for Tuesday. Close, get the keys, and paint! We also plan to load up the cars a couple of times with boxes. It will be a busy day for sure! I can't wait!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

What up?!

Talked to our realtor today...we are all set for our 9:30 walkthrough, and 10:00 signing for our house next Tuesday! Ross and I went to the house and took pictures today at lunch. I wanted to get some pictures of the "accepted offer" sign! Ross and I were talking today about needing to get a plan together for painting. We pretty much have a plan for cleaning and moving, but not one for painting. We need to get our act together, hey? The thing is that the house was recently painted, and we both don't mind the color. However, we would definitely like to paint our bedroom. We are thinking we should paint the bathroom, too. There is also one wall in the kitchen that we might paint. There is wainscoting on the bottom, and the wall is a focal point in the room. Why not try one of those faux painting techniques there, hey? It is a small enough area that would make a good test, I think.

Life is good, isn't it? If you don't believe me, check out this web site: I can't believe we will own a home in 6 days. It is amazing to me!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

One week to go!

I can't believe we are closing in a week. Holy cow, the time is flying. This week is going so fast already, too. Ross has to work this weekend, so I plan to spend a lot of time packing and cleaning. We have so much crap to go through. It is a good thing, though, because I can weed some stuff out. I'm a packrat, I admit it. It will be hard to throw some stuff away, but seriously, if I haven't looked at some of the stuff in years, am I really going to look at it again?

Today is our 10-month anniversary! I can't believe how fast this first 10 months has gone. One year ago we were so focused on the wedding, and now we are so focused on the house. Life is funny like that, isn't it? I couldn't ask for anything to be better though. Everything is so wonderful! Sure there have been some bumps in the road, but I'm a firm believer that those kinds of things only make you stronger. I can't imagine my life without Ross. He is my heart and soul, and my best friend. I love you, baby.

Monday, April 11, 2005

What a weekend

I had a great weekend! The weather was beautiful and I got to spend time with Ross and some good friends--what is better than that?!

It started on Friday when Shannon and Jeremy came and hung out with me. We had a good time. We went for a ride and they took me past their new house. It is so cool! I'm so excited for all of us and our new houses!

On Saturday, Ross and I took a drive to Fort Atkinson to hang out with Kelly and Jeff. It was so great to see Kelly! We hung out and looked at wedding pictures and stuff. It was awesome. On the way home, Ross and I took a drive around the campus of my alma mater--University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. I always get a little wistful when I do that. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time in college. Sometimes I just miss it, that's all. It was cool.

Saturday night we went and hung out with Shannon and Jeremy. We went to their house again so Ross could see it. He dug it, too.

Speaking of houses, Ross and I visited our house not once, but twice on Sunday! We are trying to visualize what we are going to do with our yard. We are thinking that it will be a few-year project. Why not? We will be in our house for awhile after all. It will definitely keep us busy.

Today will be a fun day, too. It is opening day for the Milwaukee Brewers. For Referee, that means our annual tailgating party. Nothing makes you feel like spring is truly here than burgers and brats on the grill, and baseball on the radio!

Friday, April 08, 2005

It's Friday Again!

Wow, this week really flew by. Only 11 days until we close! We can't wait! We are trying to figure out the money situation to see how much we can spend on paint and decor. Not to mention that we have to buy a ladder, lawn mower, and all that other stuff you don't have to think about while living in an apartment. Ross is set on getting a push mower. He is such hippie! Seriously though, with the price of gas, not to mention the pollution it causes, why not? We talked about getting two, and mowing together. It would be good exercise after all!

I don't have an office mate today, so I'm currently rockin' out to Beck's new CD Guero. It is awesome! Kind of like the Beck of old.

Well, I'm actually busy today at work, so I better get back to it!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

My Dad

Can I just tell you about my dad? I'm so proud of him! He won a very prestigious award for a golf story that he wrote on the PGA Champoinship. You can read about it here: He was presented with the award last night at a fancy Masters' banquet with several golfers in attendance. How cool is that? He's the winner!

So a few weeks ago we switched from Macs to PCs at work. I like my new PC for the most part. It is way faster and more reliable than my ancient Mac was. Anyway, I've downloaded some pretty cool stuff for it. Check out my mouse pointer: I'm a little crazy about the Green Bay Packers. Ask anyone who knows me!

So, how about all of this stuff with the pope? It is amazing to me how many people are trying to get a glimpse of him, and the fact that they are waiting for hours and hours. I'm not Catholic, but I am a Christian. I can't say that I hold the pope in the same regard as Catholics do, and I don't necessarily agree with all of his beliefs, but you can't deny that he did some significant things for the world. I'm very interested to witness all of the tradition that comes with selecting a new pope. After all, I wasn't even born when Pope John Paul II was selected. I've been reading a lot about it. I think it will be kind of neat to see how it all unfolds.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Two weeks and counting...

until we sign for our house! I can't believe how close it is. Whoo hoo!!!! These two weeks will fly by, too. I think I'm going to take that day off. How could I not? I wouldn't be able to go back to work after getting the keys. I suppose I could...I just wouldn't get anything done!

On another note, I won the Pick Em' pool at work! I drew UNC, and they beat Illinois in the NCAA Championship Game last night. I got $16 bucks. I know that is not a huge amount of money, but hey, it's better than a kick in the head! I plan to treat Ross for lunch.

So, could the weather be anymore beautiful?! I'm telling you there is nothing better than spring in Wisconsin. The grass is really starting to get green; the trees look like they are going to pop any day. There are tulips pushing up through the ground. I guess all it takes is a few rains, and a few nice days. I hope we don't go backwards from here. It's been known to happen. I do live in Wisconsin after all!

Monday, April 04, 2005


So, can I just tell you that I have the most fantastic husband in the world? Maybe he sensed my down-in-the-dumpness and wanted to cheer me up. I don't know, but I went home for lunch, and there was a beautiful bouquet of cream-colored roses. Man, do I have a winner. Thanks baby, I love you.

It's Monday

I'm not the biggest fan of Mondays, but today isn't too bad. Had a rather uneventful weekend. Ross and I didn't do any packing, can you believe it? Maybe we needed a break after last weekend. We just kind of hung out and chilled. Spent a lot of time with my brother this weekend, as his girlfriend was out of town. It was cool.

I must say, I'm a bit bummed lately. I know that seems silly with everything cool going on. Everything with the house and Ross couldn't be better. There are some other areas of my life that are bumming me out though. One of those areas is my friends. I know everyone is super busy, but I miss them. I don't know, but I feel like I try to make time. I guess I just don't feel that same effort. However, I am going to visit Kelly this Saturday, which will be so nice. I haven't see her in forever. I finally get to show her all the wedding pictures and the DVD. It will be fun to reminisce about that and all of our crazy times in college.

Maybe I'm just PMSing...

Friday, April 01, 2005

It's Friday!

For me that means only a half-day of work. Whoo-hoo!! Although I have a ton of errands to run this afternoon, so I'll feel like I'm working anyway. Oh well, at least I'm able to squeeze in lunch with my dad.

Ross and I don't have any big plans for the weekend. I would imagine we'll pack some more and clean. Exciting stuff, I know.

So today is April 1st. Wow, time is flying. Spring is definitely springing. Spring is by far my favorite time of year. Everything starts to bloom, and we no longer have to look at the brown, desolate landscape. I love it!!

Did you get an April Fool's joke played on you yet? I'm ashamed to say that I had been at work for not even five minutes and Pat got me. I asked him how he was doing and he said, "Alright, but I guess you haven't seen the front of my car." So there I go to look and of course there was nothing wrong. That sneaky bastard!! April 1st is also significant because it is Lisa and Lori's birthday today. Happy Birthday girls!

Well, I suppose I should get to work. Happy Friday!!