Friday, April 08, 2005

It's Friday Again!

Wow, this week really flew by. Only 11 days until we close! We can't wait! We are trying to figure out the money situation to see how much we can spend on paint and decor. Not to mention that we have to buy a ladder, lawn mower, and all that other stuff you don't have to think about while living in an apartment. Ross is set on getting a push mower. He is such hippie! Seriously though, with the price of gas, not to mention the pollution it causes, why not? We talked about getting two, and mowing together. It would be good exercise after all!

I don't have an office mate today, so I'm currently rockin' out to Beck's new CD Guero. It is awesome! Kind of like the Beck of old.

Well, I'm actually busy today at work, so I better get back to it!


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