Saturday, February 09, 2008

Is it over yet?

Winter that is. I'm normally okay with winter, in fact, I don't even mind it, but this one has seemed extraordinarily brutal. From torrential rains and tornados, to bitter cold, to the most snow I can remember in a long's been non stop. Just a few days ago we got 14 inches of snow, on top of the 8 we already had on the ground. As I type this, the snow is falling again. We are only supposed to get about an inch, but behind the snow comes the cold again. They are saying it will be between -7 and -14 degrees tonight. Add the wind chill and it's supposed to be -35 to -40. I'm kind of ready for spring...

In other news, Superbowl XLII is now old news. What a great game though. Although my Packers weren't there, I was happy that the Giants won. Their last drive was incredible. If the Packers had to lose in the NFC Championship, at least it was to the eventual Superbowl winners.

Other than winter and Superbowls, not too much is new. We are just busy as always. Noah is growing like a weed. Ross is working hard at school - the light is at the end of the tunnel! I'm so proud of him.


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