Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I guess I've been slacking a bit. What can I say??? Life is just so busy these days.

Everything on the home front is pretty good. Noah is already 5 months old! He's growing like a weed and changing every day. It's amazing to watch him and wonder what is going on in his little mind. It's quite fascinating. He has recently discovered his feet and loves to grab them when his legs are in the air. He has two teeth already, too. He's a little early on that front (thanks to Ross, who had them when he was 3 months), but they are so cute :) We had him dedicated at church this past Sunday. It was very nice.

Work is crazy, but then again, when isn't it? I've been making an effort to leave on time, since I never left on time before I went on maternity leave...I think I'm doing a pretty good job.

The Packers are doing great; this week was their bye. They are 5-1. There's definitely a few things that need some work, but overall, I don't think many people expected them to be 5-1 at their bye. It's pretty exciting, really. Ross, my brother and I went to the Sunday night Packer vs. Bears game. They lost :( but we had a fantastic time anyway. The atmosphere was so cool. I don't know if it was the fact that it was a night game, the Bears or a combination of both, but it sure was exciting!

Here's a new pic of Noah that I just love:


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