Monday, April 18, 2005

Tomorrow's the BIG day!

It is finally here! Tomorrow we sign for our house! We are so excited!

I got so much done this weekend! I was a mad packer, let me tell you. I also went shopping with my mom and bought a few items for our "Olive Garden" kitchen. The whole design is coming together rather nicely.

We have so much planned for tomorrow. Close, get the keys, help Moon bring over all the supplies for the bathroom, paint, yardwork, clean, etc. It is going to be a really busy day, but I can't think of a better way to spend a day than in our new house! We will be homeowner's 24 hours from now!

I must say that I got a little bit of a shock when I called the electric company this weekend. Our gas and electric bill is going to be a bit higher than we budgeted for. We are spoiled, because we don't have to pay for our heat in our apartment. Why is heat so expensive? Oh wait, I know! The costs of heating go up every year because the resources needed to produce the heat get more and more scarce. Why not invest in alternate forms of energy instead of coal and oil? I better stop this rant, because I could go on forever...Besides, everything that is going on is way too cool to think about that. Needless to say, we are going to be eating Ramen noodles and grilled cheeses for the rest of the year! I told Ross that we need to save money for at least one date a month. That is important, don't you think?


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