Monday, April 04, 2005

It's Monday

I'm not the biggest fan of Mondays, but today isn't too bad. Had a rather uneventful weekend. Ross and I didn't do any packing, can you believe it? Maybe we needed a break after last weekend. We just kind of hung out and chilled. Spent a lot of time with my brother this weekend, as his girlfriend was out of town. It was cool.

I must say, I'm a bit bummed lately. I know that seems silly with everything cool going on. Everything with the house and Ross couldn't be better. There are some other areas of my life that are bumming me out though. One of those areas is my friends. I know everyone is super busy, but I miss them. I don't know, but I feel like I try to make time. I guess I just don't feel that same effort. However, I am going to visit Kelly this Saturday, which will be so nice. I haven't see her in forever. I finally get to show her all the wedding pictures and the DVD. It will be fun to reminisce about that and all of our crazy times in college.

Maybe I'm just PMSing...


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