Friday, August 08, 2008

Brett the Jet

That's hard to look at, hey? The month-long saga that was Brett Favre and the Packers is over. He was traded on Wednesday to the New York Jets. How do I feel about that? It seems that a lot of my family and friends wanted my opinion over the last few weeks on the situation; I guess because they know what a huge Brett Favre fan I am. Well, to sum up how I feel in two words: it sucks. But at the same time, I'm glad it's all over. And now I have another team to cheer for. The Packers will always be #1 in my heart, but the Jets will be a close second as long as Brett is under center. It's really too bad how sour things went between Favre and the Packers. It was so up and down and there was so much speculation over the last month - it was too much. It really has been similar to a messy divorce. I just hope that the animosity can be repaired, so that whenever Brett retires for good, he'll retire as a Packer. I believe he will. As he said in his Jets introductory press-conference, 16 years are hard to forget about and that he'll always be a Packer. I don't agree with how Ted Thompson and staff responded to Brett. I truly believe he gave them the best chance to win. I don't know if TT's ego, wanting to get "his guy" Rodgers going or what... Mind you, Brett wasn't a saint in the whole process either though. Like I said, I hope the Packers and Brett Favre can repair their relationship. Favre is such a part of the Packers and always will be. I learned that CBS 58 - the AFC affiliate - is going to get a lot of Jets games this year. I know I'll be watching. But, I'll also be watching my Packers. I'll be cheering, even though it may feel like something is missing. I'll get behind Aaron Rodgers. Have to. As hard as it is for me to believe it; it's time to move on.


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