Monday, April 11, 2005

What a weekend

I had a great weekend! The weather was beautiful and I got to spend time with Ross and some good friends--what is better than that?!

It started on Friday when Shannon and Jeremy came and hung out with me. We had a good time. We went for a ride and they took me past their new house. It is so cool! I'm so excited for all of us and our new houses!

On Saturday, Ross and I took a drive to Fort Atkinson to hang out with Kelly and Jeff. It was so great to see Kelly! We hung out and looked at wedding pictures and stuff. It was awesome. On the way home, Ross and I took a drive around the campus of my alma mater--University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. I always get a little wistful when I do that. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time in college. Sometimes I just miss it, that's all. It was cool.

Saturday night we went and hung out with Shannon and Jeremy. We went to their house again so Ross could see it. He dug it, too.

Speaking of houses, Ross and I visited our house not once, but twice on Sunday! We are trying to visualize what we are going to do with our yard. We are thinking that it will be a few-year project. Why not? We will be in our house for awhile after all. It will definitely keep us busy.

Today will be a fun day, too. It is opening day for the Milwaukee Brewers. For Referee, that means our annual tailgating party. Nothing makes you feel like spring is truly here than burgers and brats on the grill, and baseball on the radio!


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