Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Ross and I are getting ready to head to my Mom's house to watch Lost. We are big fans, and we all get together to watch it. It's fun for us all to toss out our ideas on what everything means. Amber has the best memory from last season, which is a bonus. Plus my Mom has DVR, so we can rewind it if we don't understand something that was said, or just want to see something again. I love the show, but it drives me crazy...there are always more questions that are raised than answered. Oh well, I guess the goal is to keep people watching. It works...

No big plans for the weekend. Ross works; I would imagine that I'll do some housework. Believe it or not, there are still a few boxes that I should unpack. Actually, I should go through them and decide what to donate...if I haven't used what's in them by now, chances are I won't ever use the stuff. It's also getting to that time of year where I need to switch out the wardrobe in my closet. Take all of my short sleeves out and replace with the sweaters and long sleeves. Same with the sandals...I'm always kind of sad to see summer go, but I do enjoy fall. There's something about the crisp air, beautiful colors, and crunch of leaves under your feet. As I mentioned a few posts ago, I like winter until football season is over...I'm a bit nervous about winter this year because I have a much longer commute than last winter. Hopefully, I'll luck out...


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