Sunday, September 25, 2005

When I blogged the other day, I eluded to the "cool something" Ross and I were doing the next day. That something was a "Surprise Housewarming" party for Shannon and Jeremy. It went off without a hitch. They were completely surprised, which is obviously the goal of a "surprise" party; but more than that, I think they truly felt the love, which made the rest of us feel great. We had a great time...there was food, cake, wine and even a little Trivia Pursuit. The group that was there consisted of most of the people who are making the trek to the Grand Canyon next May to see Shan and Jerm get married. As Shan said, we are all going to be spending a weekend together, so we might as well get to spending some time together now. A good time was had by all, that's for sure...Ross and I should really get on the Housewarming party thing. I know we'd have a really good time.

That leads us to today...the Packers lost again! 0 and 3....that's pretty rough. But I felt better about how they played today. They only lost by 1 point...bummer. They played hard today though, and would have won, if it weren't for a few bad brakes. However, 0 and 3 is a tough hole to climb out of...They play on Monday night next week against Carolina...let's hope they can pull one off, hey?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just can't say enough that you guys are the best friends EVER!!!


8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI--just got to read your blog--getting to the part about the Honey Crisp apples---they're our favorite too! Also---you should have a housewarming party---let us know when! Love , grandma and grandpa

11:38 AM  

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