Thursday, September 08, 2005

Are you ready for some football???

Whoo hoo!!!! The NFL kicks off tonight. I love football season, and everything about it. The excitement; Packer Sundays at my dad's; watching game after game; checking online to see how our fantasy players are doing. Even winter is more bearable during football season. After it ends, though, winter is just cold...and long. I always go through withdrawal come the end of January/early February. Ross and I are in a Fantasy Football league again this year. I really had a good time with it last year, so why not do it again? I found myself more interested in games than I had ever been before. And if you are married to Ross, you might as well try to find some interest in the games, because they are on all day and night on Sunday (and Monday night). Although, I became a Desperate Housewives fan, so we may be fighting over the remote come 8:00...unless of course, the Packers are playing, because they always come first :) All who know me know that I am a huge Packer fan. I must admit, I'm not too excited about their prospects this year. But it doesn't matter, because I'll cheer for them no matter what. They always seem to end up with a better record than the so-called experts say they will anyway.

On a completely different note, and this note tends to be political...check out this link that Jeremy sent me. It's hard to argue with facts...I can't believe some of the things that are going on in this country and so many people don't notice it.


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6:46 PM  

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