Friday, September 02, 2005

Today was my last half-day Friday of work. Next week, it's a full Friday. That is going to take some time to get used to. I haven't worked a full day on a Friday in a long time. It's not all bad...we are back to our normal hours, so that means I get to leave a half hour earlier than I have been. I should get a jump on some of the traffic and be home at a decent hour. It's also cool, because we are having an end-of-summer-hours food day. So, I'm sure people won't be working too hard that first full Friday :)

Today begins Labor Day weekend. I don't have too much going on. Ross is working, my mom is out of town. There will be a cookout at my Dad's house on Sunday, which will be cool. I plan to have some "me" time. I'll do some sunning, exercising, playing Zelda, napping and just relaxing...I'm looking forward to it :)

On a different note; the help has finally begun arriving in New Orleans. Unfortunately, I think it's a little late in coming. I can't even fathom what those people are going through. I just can't believe those floods. And the people looting. I can understand taking food or diapers or water, but looting gun shops? Come on...On top of everything else, those poor people don't even feel safe. It's awful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, Nikki. And those people don't need a visit from Bush, or Condoleeza Rice or Donald Rumsfeld---they need food, water, medicine, shelter, prayers , etc. I don't know what the local , federal, and state governments were thinking when they thought a century old levee system could take on a category 4 or 5 hurricane! Good thing Bush can't run again---and had this happened before his second term he would never have won!

1:05 PM  

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