Thursday, August 25, 2005

My grandparents anniversary celebration was great. It was a bit more emotional than I anticipated, however. It was nice, though. They were so cute :)

We went to check out Moon-dog's last softball game of the season tonight. It didn't go so well...they got beat by the slaughter rule. They were playing for first place, but got second. Oh well, they'll get 'em next year.

Work is going so great! I'm going to be working on a project tomorrow that I have no clue how to do...but I like that :) My boss isn't even sure how to do it; she's off tomorrow, so I'm going to attempt it! My goal is to do it and figure it out so that when she comes back on Monday, it will be all ready to go. I like using my brain...I didn't always get a chance to do that at my last job.

Ross starts school tomorrow. He's taking speech...probably just about the worst class for him ever. He's not the stand-up-in-front-of-the-class type of guy, but I know he'll do great!

Any big plans for the weekend? The Packers play tomorrow night. Favre and company should play about a half, so that should give us a good indication of how they'll do this year. They are playing the defending SuperBowl champions though, so who knows. On Sunday, we are going to my grandparent's for a Trivia Pursuit should be a fun time. Most importantly, we are spending time with our grandparents...I know how much it means to them to hang out with their grandchildren. If it takes a few hours of trivia and pizza to make their day... I'm so there.

Speaking of Brett Favre, did I tell you what my dad is doing?! As I write, he is hanging in Mississippi with Brett's family and friends. He is doing a story for a special section on Farve for the paper. I'm too jealous...I told Ross that we need to make the pilgrimage to MS to see the birthplace of my hero :) Seriously, I would love to go see Kiln and Hattiesburg. I hope Ross and I get a chance to go to a Packers game this year...I'm thinking it might be Brett's last year, and I really want to be able to say that we saw him play in his final season. The Packers won't be the same without him, although I'll still love them!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you! I'm glad life is great for you! :)

7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that you did great on your project! I'm sure you did! It's so cool that you had a chance to do something like that! :) NLP

7:30 PM  

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