Tuesday, July 26, 2005

We're home

Ross and I got home today, a bit earlier than we expected. We planned to stay up north until 4 or 5, but we woke up to cold tempertures and cloudy skies, so we decided to leave around noon. We would have stayed longer had the weather cooperated, but I guess both of us were eager to get home to our house, too. This is the longest we have been away...it was kinda weird. But the house is still intact and doing great :)

We had a great time the whole weekend! It is always nice to see family, and we were all there. Ross got up on skis and looked like a pro! Sam and Sara tried...I think they'll get it next year; but they sure had fun tubing! I laid out and read Harry Potter and chatted. Besides getting stung by a bee, among other insects, all in all it was a great time.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot...Dean and Amber asked us to stand up in their wedding! Ross and I are both honored to do so. I got a bit teary even. The joke was they may have to let out my bridesmaid dress if I'm pregnant by then ;)

On another note, Ross drove the whole way home, and it allowed me to finish Harry Potter. It was a pretty heavy ending, let me tell you. It was very good, but now I have to wait 2 + years to know how it concludes. I was a bit sad when I finished, not only for what happens in the book, but also because there was no more to read. I think I just might go back and read them all again. They really are great books...

I'm looking forward to tomorrow, because both Ross and I have off. A bit of a vacation from our vacation if you will. I'm trying to get everything done tonight so we can just hang out tomorrow.


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