Saturday, June 18, 2005

I'm slacking...

It has been awhile since I last blogged. So much is going on right now. Let's see...

Last weekend, Ross and I celebrated our 1st anniversary. We went out to the Prime Quarter and then came home to watch our DVD. It was a very nice night. The next day we had some of the top tier of our wedding was actually pretty good. On Monday and Tuesday, I just took it easy, getting ready for my first day at Reiman on Wednesday. My first few days of work were fantastic! I'm really going to like this job, and what an awesome place to work. I did the usual new employee orientation and tour and stuff. But then, they had me get right to work. I was glad. I even got some really good feedback from my boss on Friday, which made me feel great! Everything is going great. I even have my own office. During the employee orientation, we got a list of holidays, and we have off for National Agriculture Day even. I guess it started out as a joke, but it stuck.

Last night we went to see Star Wars: Episode III with Shannon and Jeremy. It was so awesome, and as Ross brought up, a little sad. But you knew it didn't end happy. The special effects were amazing. I really want to watch IV, V and VI now.

We don't have much in store for this weekend. Just some chilling. Tomorrow is Father's Day, and my brother's b-day! Happy B-day Dino D, and Happy Father's Day, dad!


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