Monday, June 06, 2005

What a beautiful weekend...

Did you get time to enjoy it? I sure did. Ross and I did some biking, walking, planting and laying out. It was fantastic. Summer is finally here and I'm loving it.

We are dog-sitting for my grandparents' dog, Luigi, while they are on their Alaskan cruise (nice, hey?). He is a good dog, and having him around makes us want our own dog even more.

Today is the start of my last week ever at Referee. That is nuts to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited about my new job, but I will definitely miss Referee. There are a few people that I will miss a lot. Everyone has made me feel so nice, telling me that I'll be missed and stuff. They'll be missed, too. This was such a great place to start my career. I have learned so much in the past 2 1/2 years that I can take with me wherever I go. I'm grateful for that.

I mentioned that Ross and I did some planting. Everything is really coming along. Ross' mom gave us some more clippings taken from their trip to Indiana last weekend. We got those all planted and we spread out some fire orange mulch. It looks really cool. I also planted all of the gladiola bulbs that I got for my birthday, as well as the calla lilly bulb. I can't wait until those come up. Our peonies are blooming, and they smell so good. Our rosebushes look like they'll pop any day now. We had to get some trellises to support them. They are going to be so pretty!


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