Tuesday, May 31, 2005

New house, new job...

Wow, there is a lot going on. Our house is really coming along. We managed to get some things hung on the walls, and we also got our workout room all set up. Our workout area is so awesome. It is in the basement, so it is nice and cool down there...Definitely a bonus when you are working out. I worked out on Monday morning...it was perfect.

So, in addition to a new house, I got a new job! Whoo Hoo! I'll be working for Reiman Publications in Greendale, WI. I'm super excited, as I definitely view this as a move up for my career. I will miss Referee, and I have learned a great deal here that I can take with me wherever I go, but it is time to move on, you know what I mean?

Ross and I spent 4 hours at our apartment on Saturday cleaning. It was a long day. I would say it looks pretty damn good. Let's hope they agree, and give us some of our security deposit back. It could go towards the purchase of our new washer and dryer (that is a whole story in itself).
Well anyway, today at lunch I went and turned in our keys. It was pretty weird. I took one last look through the apartment, going from room to room remembering things. When I was in the bathroom, I remembered the morning of my wedding day, getting ready, and looking at myself in the mirror going holy cow, I'm getting married. I remembered many romantic dinners Ross and I had in our dining room, just the two of us. I remember hanging out with everybody in our living room, chatting, listening to music and watching Packer games. I remember our first Christmas there. Due to Ross' persuasion, we got a real tree. I wasn't too excited at first, but we have gotten a real tree every year since then, so I guess the tradition kind of stuck. There were an abundance of good times in our apartment, that is for sure. It will definitely be missed. It was the first place that Ross and I ever officially lived together after all. But...we are onto bigger and better things now, right?!


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