Friday, July 08, 2005

I'm done apologizing for being a slacker...

What can I's summer, and there are just so many cool things going on!

The new job is going great. I can't believe how much I've learned already.

The summer has been so busy...but we are having a great time! I can't believe the 4th of July has come and gone already. That seems to be the unofficial halfway-point of summer, doesn't it? Speaking of the 4th of July..the whole weekend was fun. Ross and I did end up going to Summerfest. We scored some free tickets and free drinks, so it was kind of a cheap day for us, by Summerfest standards. We ran into my ex-boyfriend; he is actually the one who got us the free drinks. It is always a little weird to see him, but it is cool to catch up. I told Ross when we got home that night that seeing him again always makes me feel so thankful that I'm with him...

Have you been watching the Tour de France? Lance Armstrong is kicken' butt and taking names. Ross and I have been watching it faithfully. I have learned so much about the sport of cycling; there is a whole lot more to it than I realized. It is a science really.

I'm looking forward to next weekend. I'm getting together with my college roommates. It has been awhile since we were all together; I'm guessing the last time was at my and Ross' wedding over a year ago. We always have a great time, reminiscing about college...and I'm so excited to have the girls here to see our house :)

At the end of July we are going up north. My grandparents live up there during the summer, and I have been going up there my whole life; I can't imagine a summer without it. I can't wait...the whole family is there, and it is a really good time. It is my favorite place in the whole world. I mean that truthfully. As soon as I get out of the car after the 5-hour drive up there, it is insta-relaxation. It is an entirely different world. Different smells, different air, wildlife, natural beauty. I love it!!


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