Tuesday, May 24, 2005

It's been awhile since I last blogged

So much has happened since then! We are all moved in our house! Our friends and family really stepped up to help us with everything. They are so awesome! Everything went off without a hitch for the most part. Well, if you ask the guys, they might feel differently about one of our couches ;) Anyway, everything is really coming along. We've decorated the kitchen and the bathroom and even managed to get most of the boxes unpacked, and some things hung on the walls. I must admit though, it is a little strange. Not that I don't feel comfortable or at home or anything...I guess it is just getting used to where everything is and stuff like that. It is pretty cool to wake up in our own house though. Very cool, in fact.

Last night we went over to Ross' parents house for dinner. It was so nice to have a home-cooked meal for a change. We have been living on fast food and takeout lately. My mother-in-law gave me a bunch of cuttings from her perennials. I'm going to give gardening a go (how is that for alliteration). We'll see...It will definitely be interesting. There are several spots around our house that would look awesome with some flowers/plants. She gave me some really cool stuff...Let's just hope I can keep them alive. If they take, they'll keep coming up every year. I love that!

So, I came back to work today to find a vase of freshly cut lilacs on my desk! I must say that it helped me ease back into things.


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