Monday, May 16, 2005

Back to work :(

Bummer, hey? There is just not enough time in the weekend, particularly when you are getting ready to move!

I had a pretty good weekend. On Saturday, I went to the Milwaukee Art Museum with my grandma, my aunt and my cousin. The Degas exhibit was very cool. My cousin was supposed to hang out, but she was feeling a little under the weather due to some partying the night before :) Later that day, Kara and Christian met me at the house to give me my b-day present and check out the progress. On Saturday night, Ross and I just chilled. It dawned on me that this was our last weekend in our apartment. That is really crazy to me.

On Sunday, I was at the house all afternoon. Since Ross was working this weekend, I figured I could get a lot done. I did indeed. We are having carpet put in our bedroom on Wednesday, so I cleaned the floor in there and moved everything out. I also cleaned our half bathroom, and painted the stairs. I can't believe the improvement to the stairs. My dad and my brother were there, too, working on sanding and staining our half walls. Shannon, Jeremy and Steve stopped by to say hey and hang out a bit. All in all, it was a productive day. I must say, however, that I am pooped. And there is still so much to do this week! It will all come together though. There is really no other choice.


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