Monday, May 09, 2005

What a fantastic weekend!

It started on Friday when I went out to eat with my fam for my B-day. We went to the Chancery...yum! It was awesome. My brother got me some stuff for my "Olive Garden" themed kitchen. I got some moola from my mom and my grandparents. My grandma also gave me our gift for our 1st anniversary. She embroidered a Bible verse with our names and the date we were married. It is so beautiful. I think it will look really nice in our new bedroom.

On Saturday morning we met Ross' parents for breakfast and they gave me my b-day presents: a lilac bush, and some flower bulbs. How cool is that! Ross and I did some house stuff and then he disappeared to get me my present. He came home with a pair of beautiful diamond stud earrings. I totally didn't see that one coming! They are so beautiful. I haven't taken them off, and I don't think I will!

That night we went out to eat at Chili's with Shannon, Jeremy and Steve. Shannon and Jeremy got me a Yankee candle (yum) and a chalkboard/clock for my "Olive Garden" kitchen. It is so cute! I already have the perfect spot picked out for it. They have a coffee chalkboard/clock in their kitchen and it looks really cute. How cool are we with our chalkboard/clocks?! We went and got some ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery. Let me tell you, that stuff puts Dairy Queen to shame. We hung out at their house for a bit after that. They made a lot of progress on their house. It looks really cute.

Yesterday was Mother's Day, so we made the rounds. Lunch with Ross' family, a visit with my dad and stepmom, and then dinner with my mom and grandparents.

It was a busy weekend, but it was fantastic!


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