Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Can you believe it is already May?

Man, time flies when your having fun. Or busy. For me, it's both. We helped Shannon and Jeremy move on Friday, and we had a bunch of family and friends over this past Saturday for our cleaning party. The weather held out, so we ended up doing a ton of yardwork. We trimmed trees, pulled weeds, and cut down some bushes. Holy cow, that was a lot of work. We also cleaned the kitchen, cleaned some of the blinds (that is the worst job ever), and fixed our windows. We are getting there! We have some cleaning to do yet, and also some painting. Moving day is creeping up--May 21st. I was looking around our apartment, thinking that we still have a lot to do. I'm starting to get a little nervous about getting everything done, especially because our schedules are so crazy in the next two weeks. Tomorrow we are going to Sheboygan to celebrate my cousin's big poker win. His tournament is being broadcast tomorrow night on the Travel Channel, for anybody who is interested. There is going to be a big party. It should be loads of fun, but it will no doubt be a late night. This Saturday is my b-day! 26 years old I'll be. That makes me a quarter of a century plus one. Dang, there's no turning back now! We will probably have a bunch of work to do at the house, but working on your own house isn't too bad of a way to celebrate a b-day. I'm hoping we do something fun later that night though.

I suppose I should get some work done...


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