Thursday, July 12, 2007


I can't believe how fast summer is going :( I have to go back to work in 4 weeks! Some of you would say, "At least you had the majority of summer off." That is very true. However, it will be hard to head back to work and leave my baby. Although, I must admit, that I'm looking forward to some good stimulation for my brain again.

We are planning to head up north next week for a few days - yay! I'm a bit nervous of the logistics of everything with Noah, but I'm sure it will be fine. Undoubtedly, our 5-hour ride will be a bit longer due to feeding and diaper change stops. I'm looking forward to the rest and relaxation and fresh air. The air is so different up north; I can't even describe it. If you've ever spent some time north of say, Green Bay, you know what I'm talking about.

Speaking of Green Bay, Ross and I plan to take Noah to a Packers Training Camp practice. We do have to introduce him to our love of the Packers at an early age after all ;)

In other sporting news, Ross and I are once again hooked on this year's Tour de France. It is so exciting. And we haven't missed a second, thanks to our new DVR! It's very cool to watch it live in the morning, rather than watching the replay at night (and thanks to the DVR, we can pause if need be and catch up by fast-forwarding commercials - yes!). The Americans haven't made a lot of noise yet, but this weekend brings the Alps, so watch for the strong climbers like George Hincapie and Levi Leipheimer from Team Discovery.

And now, because I can't resist, are a few new pics of Noah :)


Blogger Gina said...

Sounds like everything is going great. He sure did get big from that initial picture. I'm with you on the brain stimulation you get from working...I think I'm there as well.

8:45 AM  

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