Monday, April 30, 2007

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind! Baby, beautiful weather, stargazing, bonfires, NFL draft, etc...

Everything with the baby is pretty good. My doctor has a few concerns that my level of amniotic fluid is low, so I've had another 2 ultrasounds in the past two weeks. I don't mind - it's neat to see baby Noah at this point. As the technician pointed out, you can even see his hair! So next appointment with my doctor is tomorrow. We'll see what she says. She did say if my amniotic fluid stays low, she won't let me go to 40 weeks. And the baby weighed 6 1/2 pounds at the last ultrasound - yikes!! Of course, there's room for error there, but still. Dang. Those Huber's have some big babies :) At this point, I'm not counting on making it to June 1st. The problem comes in if I do make it June 1st now though, because my mind is set on earlier. I guess we shall see...

Ross and I just about have Noah's room together - I intend to post some final pictures of it soon. We still have to put up the boarder and hang a few things on the wall. Other than that, we are just about set! The ladies at my church threw me a shower yesterday - so sweet of them. It was very nice and had a whole Noah's Ark theme. It was so cute!

The weather is starting to get there. The past two weekends have been beautiful (poor Ross, who's missed the majority of them because of work). The week days have left a little to be desired, but it's spring in Wisconsin. You have to be used to 80 degrees one day and 50 degrees and rainy the next. Either way, everything is blooming - all of our perennials, the lilac bush, peonies, etc. And it's a bonus that we have used 100+ gallons of rainwater to water them :) The rain barrel rocks!

We picked up a fire bowl at Dick's for $35! Score. We have already put it to good use. There is something so relaxing about sitting around a fire. And, another bonus for the environment, we are using wood from the trees and bushes that we cut down in our yard when we moved two years ago. It's been hanging out in our garage, just waiting to be used. Ross even cut down our Christmas tree from this year to be burned. Every little bit helps...

A few Saturday's ago, we went to the observatory for Astronomy Day. It was one of those beautiful nights and the sky didn't disappoint. We looked at Saturn, the moon, Venus and the Orion nebula. Awesome.

This weekend was the NFL Draft. The Packers draft was uninspiring to say the least. Their first pick went to a defensive lineman that few have ever heard of. I think the first thing out of my mouth echoed what a lot of Packer fans were feeling... "Who?" Anyway, they didn't seem to do a lot to help Favre either. And they had a chance at Randy Moss (as much as that would have been hard to get used to him in a Packer uniform, but the Favre/Moss combo would have been dangerous). It's hard to judge a draft class right away; they say you usually need to give them 3 years. But man, at least on paper, this draft stunk! Teddy-boy better have a plan, otherwise I'm afraid a lot of fans will be calling for his head.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You haven't told everyone about your mom's Packer crib set-up. The first one to have a baby girl is going to cost me a good chunk of my retirement! I think your mother will have a Packer cheerleading outfit for every stage of development. All her grandkids will have a gravitation to green and gold. Ether that or they will be color blind to green and gold from over stimulation.

11:53 AM  

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