Monday, January 15, 2007

Update: It's a...

BOY! Most of you who read this already know that :) The ultrasound was an incredible experience. I was completely emotionally overwhelmed. I mean, I know I'm pregnant, I've felt the baby kicking, etc. But there is something entirely different about seeing the little guy squirming around inside you on that screen. It really is an amazing feat that our bodies do, isn't it?

We pretty much have a name picked out - Noah Mark Huber. Mark is after Ross' brother. We thought it would be a nice way to honor his memory. Ross has already started painting Noah's room. We went with a color called Mickey (as in Mouse) Sailor Blue. Cuuuuuute :)

I did get a call from the nurse the other day. They scheduled me for another ultrasound. It had me a bit worried, but she assured me that it was just because they couldn't get a clear enough picture of the baby's spine. He was moving around too much. Hopefully, he'll be cooperating next time. Truthfully, I don't mind getting the opportunity to peek in on the little guy again :)


Blogger Jeremy said...

Just imagine, this will forever be your first picture of Noah!! Thanks so much for sharing it with us all.


9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how God has honored the love you and Ross share by giving you this beautiful new life! As Little Noah Mark Huber's GG-ma, I couldn't be any prouder of him or of you two.

8:37 PM  
Blogger sara said...

Hooray for Noah! Hey buddy, I cna't wait to meet you this summer!!! Love, Sara

7:47 AM  
Blogger Nikki said...

Thanks, everyone. Noah is so excited to meet you all!

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love him already! Can't wait to meet him and take my own pics!!!


6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go No!! Your mom is excited to go to the ultra sound. Back in her day they didn't have them. They also boiled water over an open camp fire and put her on a clean bear skin and out you popped. It didn't fall off!!YEHHHHHH!!!

9:02 AM  

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