Thursday, March 30, 2006

Playin' hooky

We got out of work early today! Not because they wanted us to go home early though...we had a complete power failure. The power flicked off around 2:45 and then went back on. Then at about 3:00, it went off again, and this time, it didn't come back on. They finally let us go home around 3:30 or so, and advised us to call in the morning, because the WE Energies people thought it might be out for 24 hours. How cool would that be to have a 3-day weekend?! Crazy. So, I left work early, ran some's pretty cool to be let out early on the most spring-like of days we've had thus far. I'm certainly not complaining! I'm just glad that I wasn't super busy with anything, because that would have been a bummer.


No such luck on the 3-day weekend!

Monday, March 27, 2006

So, you found me, hey Moon-dog?! Welcome to my blog :)

Well, the Final Four is set and LSU is still in it! Whoo Hoo! Too bad I'm not in a pool this year...of course, the one year that I still have a team in the Final Four and I don't have a chance for any money... bummer.

T minus 3 weeks until Mexico! I can't wait. I'm just looking so forward to relaxing and hanging out with my family. Ross and I are considering what side trip to do. This one looks pretty cool. We went ziplining on our honeymoon and loved it...We aren't sure yet if we are going to do something. We are only there for 5 days, and there is so much to do around the resort. We might just chill. Not sure yet. No matter what we do, whether we decide to just hang out or do a side trip, I know we are going to have a great time!

T minus 7 weeks until Shannon and Jeremy's wedding. After this next weekend, the celebrations exciting! I just know the time is going to fly by.

Spring is a-coming. Ross pointed out to me that our daffodils are coming up! How cool is that?! The snow is pretty much melted and the trees are budding...yea!

Happy Blogoversary to Jeremy! That's pretty cool...Jeremy and Shannon totally inspired me to start a blog. It's a cool way to express yourself. I went back and read most of my blog posts the other day. It's neat to have so many cool things recorded that I can look back on...

Friday, March 17, 2006

This is the Madness that is March basketball. What an upset! It kind of screwed my bracket up, because I had Iowa going to the Elite 8. But hey, you have to love a story like this...I can't wait to see the replay!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

So much for snowshoeing...

...I don't understand how the forecasters can be so off...we have maybe an inch. Certainly not enough for snowshoeing! Bummer.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Hold your horses, said Mother Nature

They're calling for a big snowstorm tomorrow. 8-9 inches! That just might be the biggest of the season so far. After the beautiful weekend we had, I thought for sure spring was on the way. Mother Nature has other ideas. That's the beauty of March in Wisconsin. Actually, I'm kind of excited for it. I hope to get another round or two of snowshoeing in. Ross has to work this weekend, though :( so I'll be on my own. Unless Dean and Amber want to come ;)

I'm heading to Scrapmania again this weekend. I have to say that the scrapbooking is a pretty cool hobby. I'm such a newbie, but I really dig it!

On the Packer news front...they re-signed Kevin Barry, which is so cool. Even cooler is the fact that I went to high school with him! They also signed Kenny Petersen, Aaron Kampman and Ryan Pickett. Still up in the air is whether or not Brett's coming back. He's pretty much holding the whole state hostage.

In other sports news, the NCAA men's tourney starts tomorrow. There's nothing quite college basketball in March. I'm not an avid follower of b-ball during the regular season, but you better believe I'm tuned into the tourney. I got LSU winning it all...did you fill out your bracket yet?

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Proud Wife

Ross got accepted into clinical! Whoo hoo!! That means 4 semesters left. It will be a tough couple of years, but sooooo worth it in the end. All of his hard work is really paying off. He has also made some other changes recently that are really going to help him succeed in life. I'm proud of you baby!!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Proud Daughter

I know I've said this before, but I'm pretty darn proud of my dad. He won a 1st place award from the Golf Writers Association of America for a story he wrote on Jack Nicklaus. Check it out. I can't seem to find a link to the actual story, but when I do, I'll post it. It's actually the 3rd time he's won the award. I even blogged when he won it last year. He's pretty awesome!

Friday, March 03, 2006

According to my grandma, I've been slacking in the blogging. :) I guess she's right! I love it that she reads my blog!

Tonight we had dinner with my family. It's always nice to get together for dinner. The main topic of conversation was Mexico. We leave 5 weeks from today! Holy cow, that will be here before we know it! I'm really looking forward to this trip. There's a group of us going (12 of us: Me, Ross, Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Moon-dog, Dino, Amber, Rita, John, Sam and Sara) which is going to be so fun. I'm looking forward to hanging with my family and relaxing. The resort we are staying at is about a 20-minute walk (down the beach) from the resort that Ross and I honeymooned at. We plan to take a walk down and reminisce. That's fun, hey?!

I talked to Sam last night. She is doing good and loving California. It's so awesome to hear how happy she is. I'm really happy for her! I sure do miss her though :(

Let's see...what else is going on? Work has been good. Busy as usual, but good. I have settled into my cube and I'm really digging it. We are past the bulk of the budget work (I hope). A lot of work, but such a great thing to be a part of. A tool that I can take with me wherever, which is so valuable.

I've been a bit sick for the past few days. I even left work on Monday and stayed home on Tuesday of this week. I thought I was so cool that I hadn't caught the cold that was everywhere around me (Ross, Shan, Jerm, Dino). Not so fast, said the cold. Ross took good care of me though; he even made me homemade chicken noodle soup. He's such a winner!

Things are in full swing for Shannon and Jeremy's wedding! That's coming up really quickly, too! I'm so excited for them. The next few months are going to fly by. We are in the midst of planning a shower for Shan, as well as a bachelorette party. Good times! As I told her, it is so cool to be on this end of things. I only hope that I can give her as special of an experience as she helped to make mine. She did so much for me leading up to my wedding. I'll be forever thankful for everything she did. She's still doing stuff, too, believe it or not! She made me a beautiful scrapbook of my wedding for Christmas. It's such a nice rememberence, and that much more special because she made it.

My thoughts are kind of bouncing around here...I guess that's what I get for not posting more frequently. The big question in Packer land is whether or not Brett Favre is coming back. I don't know what he's going to do. The funny thing about it is that I don't think he even knows what he is going to do. I have to admit, I will be very sad the day he retires. He has been a joy to watch over the years. I'm just thankful that I had the opportunity to grow up watching him. He's a legend, and people will still be talking about him 30 years from now. Kind of how they talk about Bart Starr, Paul Hornung and Ray Nitschke now. I really hope Brett comes back for one more year...keep your fingers crossed!

I think Spring is coming; slowly, but surely. Spring is hand's down my favorite time of year. The landscape becomes more colorful; the birds are chirping; it's getting warmer; the sun is staying up longer. It's like the whole earth (at least this part of it) is waking up from a long slumber. What's not to love?! And this spring is just loaded with fun...Mexico, Shannon and Jeremy's wedding, the first anniversary of us in our house, my b-day, our second wedding anniversary. Spring of 2006 is going to be great!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Happy Birthday, Jeremy!!