Friday, March 03, 2006

According to my grandma, I've been slacking in the blogging. :) I guess she's right! I love it that she reads my blog!

Tonight we had dinner with my family. It's always nice to get together for dinner. The main topic of conversation was Mexico. We leave 5 weeks from today! Holy cow, that will be here before we know it! I'm really looking forward to this trip. There's a group of us going (12 of us: Me, Ross, Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Moon-dog, Dino, Amber, Rita, John, Sam and Sara) which is going to be so fun. I'm looking forward to hanging with my family and relaxing. The resort we are staying at is about a 20-minute walk (down the beach) from the resort that Ross and I honeymooned at. We plan to take a walk down and reminisce. That's fun, hey?!

I talked to Sam last night. She is doing good and loving California. It's so awesome to hear how happy she is. I'm really happy for her! I sure do miss her though :(

Let's see...what else is going on? Work has been good. Busy as usual, but good. I have settled into my cube and I'm really digging it. We are past the bulk of the budget work (I hope). A lot of work, but such a great thing to be a part of. A tool that I can take with me wherever, which is so valuable.

I've been a bit sick for the past few days. I even left work on Monday and stayed home on Tuesday of this week. I thought I was so cool that I hadn't caught the cold that was everywhere around me (Ross, Shan, Jerm, Dino). Not so fast, said the cold. Ross took good care of me though; he even made me homemade chicken noodle soup. He's such a winner!

Things are in full swing for Shannon and Jeremy's wedding! That's coming up really quickly, too! I'm so excited for them. The next few months are going to fly by. We are in the midst of planning a shower for Shan, as well as a bachelorette party. Good times! As I told her, it is so cool to be on this end of things. I only hope that I can give her as special of an experience as she helped to make mine. She did so much for me leading up to my wedding. I'll be forever thankful for everything she did. She's still doing stuff, too, believe it or not! She made me a beautiful scrapbook of my wedding for Christmas. It's such a nice rememberence, and that much more special because she made it.

My thoughts are kind of bouncing around here...I guess that's what I get for not posting more frequently. The big question in Packer land is whether or not Brett Favre is coming back. I don't know what he's going to do. The funny thing about it is that I don't think he even knows what he is going to do. I have to admit, I will be very sad the day he retires. He has been a joy to watch over the years. I'm just thankful that I had the opportunity to grow up watching him. He's a legend, and people will still be talking about him 30 years from now. Kind of how they talk about Bart Starr, Paul Hornung and Ray Nitschke now. I really hope Brett comes back for one more year...keep your fingers crossed!

I think Spring is coming; slowly, but surely. Spring is hand's down my favorite time of year. The landscape becomes more colorful; the birds are chirping; it's getting warmer; the sun is staying up longer. It's like the whole earth (at least this part of it) is waking up from a long slumber. What's not to love?! And this spring is just loaded with fun...Mexico, Shannon and Jeremy's wedding, the first anniversary of us in our house, my b-day, our second wedding anniversary. Spring of 2006 is going to be great!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I couldn't agree with you more, Spring of '06 just might go down in history!


I'm so excited for the shower/party...You guys are awesome for being such sneaky planners! You've already made my day and it's not even here yet!


2:39 PM  

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