Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Wasn't one of my resolutions to blog more? I'll do it, I promise. Now that our computer is working better, thanks to Jerm-dog, I have no excuse!

The resolutions are going well for the most part. I haven't missed a day with my vitamin; I'm in the middle of a book (The DaVinci Code...thanks, Shan); I'm doing good with the Weight Watchers-down 3 pounds in 2 weeks. I guess the blogging more could use a little help :)

Sam made it safely to California. She really seems to be liking it. She said that she feels like she is on vacation! I would imagine going from a Wisconsin winter to California would make one feel that way.

There's been a lot going on. The Packers hired a new coach. Still not so sure how I feel about that whole thing. Ross and I bought some furniture; a bed (sorry, can't find a link) and a kitchen table...whoo hoo! We have to wait until February 4th to get it though...arrgghh. Been dress shopping with Shannon a couple of times. She found her dress...with all the details that she really liked. I knew it was "the one" when Shan, Charlotte and I all started crying. I can't wait until their wedding! Next weekend we are going up to Big Powderhorn for a ski trip. For me it will be more like a snowshoeing trip, since I'm not a skier. Maybe someday. Either way, I'm really looking forward to it. We had so much fun last year...I'm thinking it should be an annual thing. It's nice to get away in the middle of winter...even if that means going to somewhere even colder than here. What?! Seriously, it is so cool in the UP, from the hills to the waterfalls, to the ski village. Until then, it's work, work, work. Man, this getaway is happening at the right time, let me tell you.


Blogger Jeremy said...

I couldn't agree more! A get away is much needed, and this one is sure to be awesome!

10:17 AM  

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