Tuesday, December 13, 2005

And the rush is on...

The Christmas rush that is. Shan and I went shopping on Saturday, and I managed to knock out a big chunk of shopping. I have some to do yet, however. I guess I'm always a bit last minute with the shopping. That's okay; I think subconsciously I enjoy the hustle and bustle. Saturday night, I watched It's A Wonderful Life and wrapped everything that I bought. It was some nice "me" time.

Sunday, we went snowshoeing at Pets. It was so cool. I'm really looking forward to snowshoeing a lot this winter. It's nice to have a winter hobby. Makes the winter a little more bearable :)

Snowshoeing is an awesome part of winter. Commuting, however, is not. We are supposed to get some big snow tomorrow, just in time to make my commute home a mess. It's okay. I will just take my time. I do have new tires now, so that's a relief. I'm not so much worried about myself though; it's the other people who drive like it is 80 degrees and sunny that I worry about.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen about the other drivers!! I'll be driving to and from class tonight also...so I completely understand! If the roads are as bad as we've been hearing I'll be thinking about you!

9:46 AM  

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