Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!

I can't believe it is now 2006. I guess time does really fly when you are having fun :)

Christmas was fantastic. I don't think there is anything better than spending time with those that you love.

The past week has been busy. Christmas, dress shopping with Shannon, spending time with Sam before she moves, taking down Christmas, bringing in the new year.

Ross and I just hung out at home for New Year's this year. It was very nice; just the two of us. We played some Dominoes, ate a fantastic meal, drank some wine and just chilled. It was a great way to bring in 2006.

What a year 2005 was for us. The top accomplishment was buying our house. We love it! A close second is me getting a new job that I really enjoy. We also celebrated our first anniversary! I'm sure 2006 has much more in store for us. Perhaps even a baby?! :)

With the start of the new year, resolutions come to mind. I have a few for myself this year. I really want to get all of our pictures organized and start scrapbooking. I want to take my vitamin everyday. I want to read more books. I want to blog more. I also want to lose this weight once and for all! My weight is pretty much a constant battle, and it has been for a long time. Leading up to our wedding, I lost about 45 pounds. It was easier then though, because I had our wedding as motivation. It has been tough to find something as motivating as that. I decided that enough is enough. My motivation is myself. I just want to be at a weight that I am satisfied with. I can do it and I will do it!

On a different note; the Packers fired Mike Sherman today. Perhaps the bigger story is the feeling that yesterday was Brett Favre's last game. He was noticeably emotional yesterday, and they even made a big deal of taking him out of the game in the final minute. I think he's done. I am not ready for it to end. The fact that Sherman is gone is a pretty good indication that Favre is done, too. He has said that he doesn't want to be a part of the re-building and that he doesn't want to invest himself in a new offensive scheme. It sure has been a great ride...


Blogger Crazygirl said...

Hey just ran across your blog and I noticed you live in Racine. My brother lives there also. Small world.

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nikki,

Nice recap of 2005!

You will do well on all of your resolutions, no doubt. Just remember that no matter what size you are, you are a beautiful woman through and through!


10:29 AM  

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