Thursday, December 01, 2005

Well, I talked to my grandma today. Her and my grandpa just got back from Florida. I guess my aunt's prognosis isn't looking as good as we thought. Even though the doctor seemed confident that the tumor wasn't cancerous, the biopsy did come back positive. Now Donna has to go through chemo and stuff. It will be a tough road, no doubt. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

On a brighter note, the Christmas season sure is in full swing. Ross and I put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving. We have a tradition of buying real trees since we have lived together. This year, we got a beautiful balsam from Home Depot. I think it is the biggest tree we have ever had! And it smells soooo good. We bought lights for the outside of the house, but haven't put them up yet. I'm hoping we get to it this weekend.

I guess I was a bit of a slacker in blogging what I was thankful for around Thanksgiving. Truth is, I have so many things that I am thankful for. Jeremy put it so well. I'm thankful to have so many things to be thankful for: a good job, a house, a wonderful husband who is my best friend, awesome friends, an unbelievable family, good health...I could go on and on. It is a nice feeling.

Any big plans for the weekend? Saturday is Shannon's B-day. Ross and I are treating her and Jeremy to dinner tomorrow night...BTW, did you decide yet, Shan? :) We are all notoriously indecisive, but when it's your b-day, you have no choice! I'm sure we'll have a great time, no matter where we end up. After all, it's about the company you're with, isn't it?

The Packers head to Chicago this weekend. The Pack will be playing the role of spoiler. Not a role they are used to playing, that's for sure. I remember when I was a little kid in the 80's, and the Packers were awful. The thing people rooted for the most each year was to beat the Bears. If they did beat them, it didn't really matter that it was another losing season. I think that is kind of where Packer fans are today. In my mind, this is the biggest game of the season so far. They aren't playing for anything else at this point, so to beat the Bears would be sweet. Brett has always had the Bears' number. We'll see if he still does come Sunday...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So indecisive...! Hopefully, I'll think of something before tonight ;) You're so right, it's much more about the company than the food, but I do like to eat...mmm...yummy!


10:22 AM  

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