Wednesday, January 04, 2006


One of my very closest friends, Sam, is moving tomorrow. Not just across town or a few hours away. She is freakin' moving to California! I'm very excited for her, although I will miss her tons. I can't say I'm surprised that she is moving. I think that for as long as I've known her, she has wanted to get out of Wisconsin. I'm so proud of her for doing it.

I met Sam when we were freshman in high school. We hit it off immediately, and were pretty much inseparable. Our personalities complemented each other so well. We had so much fun!! We were known as the "Doublemint Twins" to a bunch of the boys...mainly because of our well-endowed bottoms :) We used to have sleepovers all the time. Mostly at her house, because she had HBO and we would watch Def Comedy Jam and drink Mountain Dew and eat chips and dip and raw cookie dough (no doubt that contributed to our nickname). Our sophomore year (in high school!), we went on College Spring Break to watch her sister in a softball tournament. How cool were we?? People were too envious of us at school. Senior year, we went with a few girls to Tennessee to watch Tonya Sims in the Nike All-American game. We had such a good time together.

We went to separate colleges, so we didn't get to talk too much. After we had both graduated, we totally made time for each other. She was in my wedding and she did so much for me during that time. I'll always be appreciative of that.

I'm guess I'm being pretty nostalgic. I even busted out the yearbooks. Freshman year, Sam signed her name, followed by "Your friend for life." This move will be hard, but I have no doubt that whenever I talk or see Sam, we will pick up right were we just left off. I think we'll always be that way. I'll miss you, Sam.



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