Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Here you go Shan...

Four jobs I have had:
  • Associate Manager-Books
  • Marketing Production Manager
  • Retail Assistant Manager
  • Server

Four movies I could watch over and over:

  • Grease
  • O Brother, Where Art Thou
  • Friday
  • E.T.

Four places I have lived:

  • Racine, WI
  • Whitewater, WI
  • Freeport, IL
  • That's it-only 3

Four TV programs I love to watch:

  • Lost
  • Survivor
  • Everwood
  • Desperate Housewives

Four places I have visited:

  • Playa del Carmen, Mexico--where we honeymooned
  • Grand Caymen--cruise
  • Williamsburg, VA--family vacation
  • Las Vegas--I would love to go back

Four websites I visit daily:

  • cnn.com
  • fantasticfamily.net
  • my.yahoo.com
  • packers.com

Four of my favorite foods:

  • pizza
  • chicken
  • McDonald's french fries--it's been so long......
  • ice cream

Four places I would rather be:

  • At home with the Rossel
  • Up North with the fam
  • In Hattiesburg, MS, hanging out with Brett Favre :)
  • Mexico--I'll be there soon!


Blogger Jeremy said...

mmmmm... French fries. It's been so long for me that I've actually forgotten about them! And totally, Grease? Why didn't I think of that!!

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Freeport, IL - when did you sneak off and live there!?!

That was fun, wasn't it?


1:23 PM  
Blogger Nikki said...

Hey guys,

That was fun! I hear you Jerm, it has been too long since I had fries...maybe that's one reason I'm losing weight :D

Shan, I was born in Freeport, IL! Wild, hey? Is that something you didn't know about me? I just learned that you were in a curling league! Friendships never cease to amaze me.


1:40 PM  

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