Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Here you go Shan...

Four jobs I have had:
  • Associate Manager-Books
  • Marketing Production Manager
  • Retail Assistant Manager
  • Server

Four movies I could watch over and over:

  • Grease
  • O Brother, Where Art Thou
  • Friday
  • E.T.

Four places I have lived:

  • Racine, WI
  • Whitewater, WI
  • Freeport, IL
  • That's it-only 3

Four TV programs I love to watch:

  • Lost
  • Survivor
  • Everwood
  • Desperate Housewives

Four places I have visited:

  • Playa del Carmen, Mexico--where we honeymooned
  • Grand Caymen--cruise
  • Williamsburg, VA--family vacation
  • Las Vegas--I would love to go back

Four websites I visit daily:

  • cnn.com
  • fantasticfamily.net
  • my.yahoo.com
  • packers.com

Four of my favorite foods:

  • pizza
  • chicken
  • McDonald's french fries--it's been so long......
  • ice cream

Four places I would rather be:

  • At home with the Rossel
  • Up North with the fam
  • In Hattiesburg, MS, hanging out with Brett Favre :)
  • Mexico--I'll be there soon!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Big Powderhorn, here we come!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

We finally got some snow!

Whoo Hoo!!! Ross had to work today :( I wanted to get out and enjoy it though, so I went snowshoeing. It was so awesome! I can't believe the workout that it provides. I wore my heart rate monitor and my heart rate was pretty consistent with what it is when I'm on the elliptical. The fresh snow was so pretty, too. I don't know if I thought that at 6 a.m. this morning though, when I was helping Ross dig out so he could get to work. What a good wife I am! Seriously, I didn't mind. The only bummer was that there was a car parked in front of our house, so when the plow went past, he plowed about 10 feet into the street, so we had to shovel that, too. It's like our driveway grew by 10 feet. I had the luxury of going back to sleep, but unfortunately for Ross, he didn't :(

BTW, I lost 2 pounds this week!! That makes 5 pounds in 3 weeks! I'm pretty frickin' excited about that. I'm on my way!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Wasn't one of my resolutions to blog more? I'll do it, I promise. Now that our computer is working better, thanks to Jerm-dog, I have no excuse!

The resolutions are going well for the most part. I haven't missed a day with my vitamin; I'm in the middle of a book (The DaVinci Code...thanks, Shan); I'm doing good with the Weight Watchers-down 3 pounds in 2 weeks. I guess the blogging more could use a little help :)

Sam made it safely to California. She really seems to be liking it. She said that she feels like she is on vacation! I would imagine going from a Wisconsin winter to California would make one feel that way.

There's been a lot going on. The Packers hired a new coach. Still not so sure how I feel about that whole thing. Ross and I bought some furniture; a bed (sorry, can't find a link) and a kitchen table...whoo hoo! We have to wait until February 4th to get it though...arrgghh. Been dress shopping with Shannon a couple of times. She found her dress...with all the details that she really liked. I knew it was "the one" when Shan, Charlotte and I all started crying. I can't wait until their wedding! Next weekend we are going up to Big Powderhorn for a ski trip. For me it will be more like a snowshoeing trip, since I'm not a skier. Maybe someday. Either way, I'm really looking forward to it. We had so much fun last year...I'm thinking it should be an annual thing. It's nice to get away in the middle of winter...even if that means going to somewhere even colder than here. What?! Seriously, it is so cool in the UP, from the hills to the waterfalls, to the ski village. Until then, it's work, work, work. Man, this getaway is happening at the right time, let me tell you.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


One of my very closest friends, Sam, is moving tomorrow. Not just across town or a few hours away. She is freakin' moving to California! I'm very excited for her, although I will miss her tons. I can't say I'm surprised that she is moving. I think that for as long as I've known her, she has wanted to get out of Wisconsin. I'm so proud of her for doing it.

I met Sam when we were freshman in high school. We hit it off immediately, and were pretty much inseparable. Our personalities complemented each other so well. We had so much fun!! We were known as the "Doublemint Twins" to a bunch of the boys...mainly because of our well-endowed bottoms :) We used to have sleepovers all the time. Mostly at her house, because she had HBO and we would watch Def Comedy Jam and drink Mountain Dew and eat chips and dip and raw cookie dough (no doubt that contributed to our nickname). Our sophomore year (in high school!), we went on College Spring Break to watch her sister in a softball tournament. How cool were we?? People were too envious of us at school. Senior year, we went with a few girls to Tennessee to watch Tonya Sims in the Nike All-American game. We had such a good time together.

We went to separate colleges, so we didn't get to talk too much. After we had both graduated, we totally made time for each other. She was in my wedding and she did so much for me during that time. I'll always be appreciative of that.

I'm guess I'm being pretty nostalgic. I even busted out the yearbooks. Freshman year, Sam signed her name, followed by "Your friend for life." This move will be hard, but I have no doubt that whenever I talk or see Sam, we will pick up right were we just left off. I think we'll always be that way. I'll miss you, Sam.


Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!

I can't believe it is now 2006. I guess time does really fly when you are having fun :)

Christmas was fantastic. I don't think there is anything better than spending time with those that you love.

The past week has been busy. Christmas, dress shopping with Shannon, spending time with Sam before she moves, taking down Christmas, bringing in the new year.

Ross and I just hung out at home for New Year's this year. It was very nice; just the two of us. We played some Dominoes, ate a fantastic meal, drank some wine and just chilled. It was a great way to bring in 2006.

What a year 2005 was for us. The top accomplishment was buying our house. We love it! A close second is me getting a new job that I really enjoy. We also celebrated our first anniversary! I'm sure 2006 has much more in store for us. Perhaps even a baby?! :)

With the start of the new year, resolutions come to mind. I have a few for myself this year. I really want to get all of our pictures organized and start scrapbooking. I want to take my vitamin everyday. I want to read more books. I want to blog more. I also want to lose this weight once and for all! My weight is pretty much a constant battle, and it has been for a long time. Leading up to our wedding, I lost about 45 pounds. It was easier then though, because I had our wedding as motivation. It has been tough to find something as motivating as that. I decided that enough is enough. My motivation is myself. I just want to be at a weight that I am satisfied with. I can do it and I will do it!

On a different note; the Packers fired Mike Sherman today. Perhaps the bigger story is the feeling that yesterday was Brett Favre's last game. He was noticeably emotional yesterday, and they even made a big deal of taking him out of the game in the final minute. I think he's done. I am not ready for it to end. The fact that Sherman is gone is a pretty good indication that Favre is done, too. He has said that he doesn't want to be a part of the re-building and that he doesn't want to invest himself in a new offensive scheme. It sure has been a great ride...