Saturday, September 09, 2006

Adios Chi-Chi's

Last night Ross, Shan, Jerm and I stopped at Chi-Chi's to say goodbye. They're tearing her down! It's been a bit strange for me. It's been a few years since they closed the doors, and even longer since I worked there. But the fact that it's being demolished has me reflecting a bit.

That place holds an enormous part of me and always will. Little did I think that when I strolled through the front door in 1995 in that awful frilly hostess uniform that I would spend the next 8+ years of my life there. There are so many things I learned at Chi-Chi's. Not just about myself, but about people and life in general. I learned how to have a good work ethic. I learned how to deal with customers - both good and bad. I learned how to balance 3 sodas and chips and salsa without a tray :P Seriously, though, being in that type of environment taught me a lot. I learned about the type of person I wanted to become, and although it took me a few years, I also learned about who I didn't want to become.

I had such a great time with a lot of the people there...we used to have so much fun. We'd get out of work late, but the night was just beginning for us! We had some rockin' good and crazy times. And I loved talking to all the Mexican guys in the kitchen. They helped me keep my Spanish up, and wouldn't you know that since I haven't worked there, I've lost a lot of it. I met some really cool people who became my "regulars." I actually just ran into some said regulars the other day at the grocery store. It was so neat to bring them up to speed on my life since I had last seen them and to hear about their's.

When I look back there are also some really significant things that happened to me when I worked there. I met a very pregnant girl when I first started who later became, and still is, my best friend. I don't know if Shan and I would have met had it not been for Chi-Chi's. Chi-Chi's played a big role in Ross and I getting together, too. Sitting at table #2 one day, watching him bus tables was when I realized that I liked him. I wrote him a note on a napkin and as they say, the rest is history!

Thanks for the good times Chi-Chi's! I'll never forget them.


Blogger Ross said...

Yeah babes, it's sad to see it go. So many memories, good and bad. Life has changed exponentially since then, but from time to time it feels like it was just yesterday that we were working there. I'm glad you wrote that note for me.

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That very pregnant (and very scared) girl was very happy (and still is) to have found a friend like you!


12:07 PM  

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