Monday, May 08, 2006

Celebrate?...well don't mind if I do!

So much to celebrate lately! B-day's, the Packers, new jobs, fun! I had a wonderful b-day. It was spread out over a few days, which is always nice. Last Friday, I went out to dinner with my mom, Ross, Dean and Amber. We headed to Lonestar...yummy :) On Saturday night, Kelly and Eric came down and we all headed to K-town to hang out with Shan and Jerm. We went to a Japanese restaurant; you know, the kind where they cook at your table? It was very yummy. We were celebrating my b-day, and also my cousin's new job/graduation. She is moving to Boston :( I'm a little sad, but she has such an incredible opportunity ahead of her. All of her hard work has really paid off. Then, on Sunday, we went over to my dad's for a cook-out. That night we had Ross' family over for a cook-out at our house. It was such a beautiful day on Sunday! Way better than my b-day last year, when it was 40 degrees and rainy all day...anyway, it was a very nice weekend.

In other news, the draft went really good for the Packers. They did get A.J. Hawk, which is so awesome. Brett Favre finally spoke to the media last weekend at the first minicamp. It was interesting to hear what he had to say. One thing he did say is that he doesn't want to address any retirement questions this season. In the offseason he said that if he does come back, it will be his last year for sure. He seems to be shying away from that now. My thought is this...if the Packers do well this season, and keep improving, he won't want to hang it up. I'm very glad that he has said that he doesn't want to discuss anything during the season though. It was such a distraction last year, and really, for the past few years. Who knows?? As I said a few posts ago, I'm going to just sit back and enjoy the ride.

On Friday, we head to the Grand Canyon for Shannon and Jeremy's wedding. Whoo Hoo! It's going to be such a great time. Congratulations, Shan and Jerm!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I havn't seen Moon in or on your blog , what gives?

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm around, Just not headline news lately. I hope the "EL" gang has a great time at the big ditch! I think we should dam it up for some clean hydro power. Hey!! Almost nobody lives there, 2 or 3 hundred wind mills made to look like bird houses? I put reg gas in my lawn mower, cut less of my lawn, Turned off the T.V. once, and planted a tree. Mother earth still likes me.


8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad everyone is home safe and had a great time at the big ditch wedding.CONGRADULATIONS!!! to Shanel & Jermel.

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad everyone is home safe and had a great time at the big ditch wedding.CONGRADULATIONS!!! to Shanel & Jermel.

11:00 AM  

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