Friday, August 26, 2005

The coolest thing ever in life happened to me...

...a few hours ago, I talked to Bonita Favre, Brett's mom! Can you stinkin' believe it?! In my previous post, I wrote about my dad who is down in Mississippi doing a feature on Favre. He just called me a little bit ago to tell me about his day. He spent the entire day with the Favre family. He drank beers with Brett's brother at the Broke Spoke. He went and hung out at Brett's highschool. He was even hanging out in his boyhood home! He said that there were trophies and stuff everywhere! So we're talking and he says to me, "Would you like to talk to Bonita?" I thought he was joking. Before I knew it, Bonita was on the phone, talking to me in her Southern drawl. She said that they like my dad, and that they were showing him a good time. She also said, "If your daddy don't come home, it's one of two things...either the hurricane got him, or he got bit by an alligator!" I started gushing at how great I thought her family was, and how Brett is not only a heck of a football player, but that you can tell that he is also a good familyman. She says, "Anybody will tell you, we folks are just like you folks." She was so cool. The funny thing is, they are down in MS, so they aren't getting a TV feed of the game...she asked me how they were doing, and I had to tell her that her son just threw an interception! She said, "Well, you didn't have to tell me that now!" I can't believe I spent a few minutes talking to Brett's Favre's mom, and let alone, that she was just so down to earth, and so sweet! My dad said that they have just welcomed him in. I've always heard about Southern hospitality...they don't play around do they?! Not only welcoming my dad with such open arms, but taking the time to talk to his Packers/Favre crazed daughter!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

My grandparents anniversary celebration was great. It was a bit more emotional than I anticipated, however. It was nice, though. They were so cute :)

We went to check out Moon-dog's last softball game of the season tonight. It didn't go so well...they got beat by the slaughter rule. They were playing for first place, but got second. Oh well, they'll get 'em next year.

Work is going so great! I'm going to be working on a project tomorrow that I have no clue how to do...but I like that :) My boss isn't even sure how to do it; she's off tomorrow, so I'm going to attempt it! My goal is to do it and figure it out so that when she comes back on Monday, it will be all ready to go. I like using my brain...I didn't always get a chance to do that at my last job.

Ross starts school tomorrow. He's taking speech...probably just about the worst class for him ever. He's not the stand-up-in-front-of-the-class type of guy, but I know he'll do great!

Any big plans for the weekend? The Packers play tomorrow night. Favre and company should play about a half, so that should give us a good indication of how they'll do this year. They are playing the defending SuperBowl champions though, so who knows. On Sunday, we are going to my grandparent's for a Trivia Pursuit should be a fun time. Most importantly, we are spending time with our grandparents...I know how much it means to them to hang out with their grandchildren. If it takes a few hours of trivia and pizza to make their day... I'm so there.

Speaking of Brett Favre, did I tell you what my dad is doing?! As I write, he is hanging in Mississippi with Brett's family and friends. He is doing a story for a special section on Farve for the paper. I'm too jealous...I told Ross that we need to make the pilgrimage to MS to see the birthplace of my hero :) Seriously, I would love to go see Kiln and Hattiesburg. I hope Ross and I get a chance to go to a Packers game this year...I'm thinking it might be Brett's last year, and I really want to be able to say that we saw him play in his final season. The Packers won't be the same without him, although I'll still love them!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Only a few more hours...

...until Ross comes home! I can't believe how much I have missed him these past few days. I don't think we have been apart for more than a few hours since I was in college. I'm glad that he got a chance to go and visit his fam, but I gotta say, I sure am ready for him to come home. I get the impression that he is ready to come home, too, which makes me feel nice :) Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?!

My grandparents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this weekend. On Saturday, they are renewing their vows, and hosting a dinner. What an inspiration they are. Ross and I have been married just over a year...I can't imagine what it is like to have 50+ years of your life with someone. I can't wait to find out :) The greatest thing about my grandparents is that you can tell how much they love each other. And how proud they are of our family. It makes me proud to be a part of our family, too. They have meant so much to me over the course of my life. They have such great views on life; it is refreshing to listen to them. Unless, of course, we are talking about politics :) So here's to you, G-ma and G-pa! Happy Anniversary!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Happy Birthday Selena and Samantha!

Wow, Shannon and Jeremy's daughters are turning 10! Happy Birthday girls! That also means that my and Shannon's friendship is 10 years old, because I met her a few months before she gave birth to Selena. Ross and I often talk about how cool the girls are, and how we hope our kids will be as cool as they are some day. And the girls are so cool because Shannon and Jeremy are such great parents. We all talk about how someday when Ross and I do have kids, Selena and Samantha will be at the right age to babysit for them. That's kinda weird, hey?! So, anyway, happy b-day and I hope you guys have a wonderful trip!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Happy B-day to Ross!

I'm a day late, but I wanted to wish my fantastic husband a very happy birthday! We had a nice time last night. His family came over for a Cousin's party sub, and some of his mom's famous dirt cake (yum). He got some pretty cool presents. A camelback cleaner, padded biking shorts, a stand for his punching bag. I got him a really nice Lance poster, and also some 10/2 Nike shoes.

We just got home from his surgery (its a bummer to have surgery the day after your b-day, hey?). Everything went well. He is pretty sleepy. I'm going to take a nap myself. Needless to say, we didn't sleep too well :)

That's all I got...