Monday, January 15, 2007

Update: It's a...

BOY! Most of you who read this already know that :) The ultrasound was an incredible experience. I was completely emotionally overwhelmed. I mean, I know I'm pregnant, I've felt the baby kicking, etc. But there is something entirely different about seeing the little guy squirming around inside you on that screen. It really is an amazing feat that our bodies do, isn't it?

We pretty much have a name picked out - Noah Mark Huber. Mark is after Ross' brother. We thought it would be a nice way to honor his memory. Ross has already started painting Noah's room. We went with a color called Mickey (as in Mouse) Sailor Blue. Cuuuuuute :)

I did get a call from the nurse the other day. They scheduled me for another ultrasound. It had me a bit worried, but she assured me that it was just because they couldn't get a clear enough picture of the baby's spine. He was moving around too much. Hopefully, he'll be cooperating next time. Truthfully, I don't mind getting the opportunity to peek in on the little guy again :)

Monday, January 08, 2007

Today's the big day!

We go for my ultra-sound today at 3:45 - wish me luck that the baby will be cooperating and show itself :)

Please also wish me luck on drinking 32 oz. of water in a 1/2 hour and holding it for 2+ hours! Yikes!

What are you thinking - pink or blue? I don't know anymore. For the longest time I thought pink - even before I was pregnant actually. But many around me seem to be getting the blue vibe. We shall soon find out!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year!

I'm a few days late, but what can I say. Actually, I did write a blog from Punta Cana on New Year's Day but my Internet time ran out right before I was going to post it. Bummer! Let me see if I can recap some of it here.

I know I kind of slacked off with the Packer postings. Between Christmas, vacations and New Year's, I was pretty stinkin' busy. The Pack won their last 3 games of the season to finish 8-8. Pretty respectable, I'd say. The big question now (as it always is this time of year) is whether or not Brett Favre will retire. He was pretty emotional after the last game. Although, I remember him being pretty emotional after the last game last year, too. I really hope he doesn't. I think that this team is only on the way up, and Brett can still play with the best of them. Oh well, for now it's wait and see.

Our trip to Punta Cana was fabulous. Thanks Dad and Dee Dee! The Ocean Bavaro was gorgeous! There was much relaxation, sun and Presidente for everyone (but not me!). It was very neat to spend New Year's in a different country. We actually found a bar so we watched the Packer game. It was a good time.

Christmas was also great. Our friend Amy was in town and it was very nice to visit with her. A big thanks to all of our friends and family for making her feel so welcome at all of our "Christmases."

How is 2007 looking for you? It's a big year for Ross and I. We are expecting our first baby on June 1st! I guess I've slacked on blogging about that, too, sorry! We are very excited and as ready as we'll ever be to become parents :) I'm about halfway, in fact, I go for my ultra-sound on Monday. Hopefully the baby will cooperate and show their gender. I'm thinking pink, but quite a few around me are getting the blue vibe. I can't wait. And I'm sure there will plenty of baby blogs in the future.

Until then, a very happy, healthy New Year's to you and yours!