Monday, September 11, 2006

Where were you?

Where were you when the attacks took place on September 11, 2001? I was at my apartment in Whitewater, getting ready for my morning classes. I turned on the TV like I did on most days. When I started watching, the first plane had already hit the first tower. At that point, they were speculating that it was just a bad accident. As I continued watching, the second plane hit. Everyone knew then that this was no accident. As I got ready that morning, I woke up all of my roommates. I thought they would want to know what was going on. The second tower collapsed shortly before I left for Finance class. I went to class, and there were several fellow classmates who had an earlier class and didn't know what was going on. My Finance class went on as scheduled. My professor didn't even mention it at all. I wonder if he knew. Needless to say, it was difficult to concentrate. I went to my next class, Internet Marketing, and my professor canceled class. Her sister-in-law had business in the World Trade Center that day, but luckily she didn't make it there before the attacks. She encouraged us to go home and watch the news. It would be important, she said, because our world changed that day.

Isn't that funny how you'll never forget where you were? It's like our grandparents not forgetting where they were the moment they found out Pearl Harbor had been bombed. It's like our parents knowing exactly where they were when they were listening to the Apollo moon landing. I can't believe it's already been 5 years. My heart just aches for the families of those who died, but it is also full of pride for the heroes of that day: firefighters, policemen, ordinary citizens and those on Flight 93 who weren't going to sit back and let those monsters attack Washington.

Our world changed in a blink of an eye that day, and I'll never forget it. No one will. Where were you when our world changed?


Blogger Ross said...

I was living with parents at the time. I was making breakfest and getting ready for school. You called me to tell me to turn the TV. When I saw the gapping hole in one of the twin towers , I literally pinched myself to wake up from the horrific nightmare. When I realized it was all to real I saw the second plane hit, then I knew that it was indeed a terrorist attack. As I saw hundreds of Firefighters calmly walking toward the towers as hundreds of civilians ran in the opposite direction. I knew thier fate was sealed. I managed to pull myself together and went to school were the majority of our time was spent talking about the impending war to follow these attacks.

8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in my car on the way to school, listening to XRT on the radio...they announced the first plane crash. As I walked into school I saw a TV in a conference room reporting on the second plane crash. I skipped class, went to Jerm's class and asked if they had heard what was happening. We went and got the girls from school and sat home for the rest of the day to watch the events unfold. I remember lighting candles that Friday night on our porch to honor the people that passed, I remember feeling like the entire world was united, I saw people of every ethnicity weeping for America and the travesty that unfolded...I can't believe how far we have come from that day, and how divided the world is after such and opportunity.

11:53 AM  

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