Monday, September 18, 2006

Saints 34, Packers 27

Another loss for the Pack. This one wasn't as depressing as the first one was - they actually made a game of it this week.

  1. After a great running performance last week, Green couldn't get it going this week. Surprising because the Bears defense is way better than the Saints.
  2. Way, way too many dropped passes! Bubba Franks dropped a few key ones, as did Ahman Green. Brady Poppinga dropped a sure interception, too.
  3. Green fumbled at a key point in the game.
  4. Bubba losing his cool and getting called for a penalty. I understand that he was mad about the late hit on Driver, but come on.
  5. The team seemed to get a little too confidant in the beginning of the game when they were leading 13-0. This is the NFL, and momentum is huge. But when the other team gets momentum like the Saints did, look out.


  1. The Packers made a game of it. At no point did they give up...they kept pushing on.
  2. Brett Favre: 31 for 55, 340 yards, 3 TDs, 1 INT
  3. Aaron Kampan came to play again this week. He's earning his contract so far this year. He tied a game high 3 sacks yesterday, forcing fumbles on two.
  4. Donald Driver had a great game. He was catching everything. Who says this guy isn't a #1 receiver? 8 passes for 153 yards.
  5. The defense did a good job of containing Heisman Trophy winner Reggie Bush.

Next week: Packers (0-2) at Lions (0-2)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Negatve; another loss
Positives; Favre didn't get hurt
I think you will cover most games with that review. You know I'm a Packer fan but they don't have the talent. I hope they are saving money so in a few years when A.R. gets rolling they can buy some free agents to fill out a team that can make a run for the playoffs.


5:43 PM  
Blogger Nikki said...

Yeah, Moon-dog; it is a positive that Favre didn't get hurt. I know that you are a Packer fan, but you are just like Ross, soooooooooooo negative! Do you really think Rodgers is the next Q.B.? What if they can get Brady Quinn next year from ND?

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1st I'm not S...ox11 negative. I'm a realist. And the Packers don't have much experiance or talent. I just don't candy coat the truth. Every team needs rebuilding time. It will be tough times. It makes the good years better. I just hope the Packers frount office has a good plan. Not another 30 year wait. If A.R. was not intended to be the next starter, why did they use such a high draft pick? You can pick up 2nd string quarterbacks for less money and not use a good draft pick. I don't know that much about B.Q. from ND. I do know that nobody was very impressed with the last game. Lets see what he has at the end of the year. He would also have to be avalible to the Packers at there draft spot. What do you do with A.R. He has been costing the Packers alot of time, money and a roster spot. The only more costly not playing player was Shermans punter. To carry a extra punter who can't punt was crazy. Not to mention very few high draft picks are used on kickers. Without A.R. proving himself they will not get there investment back. Go Pack. I've been a fan through more bad years than you have been alive. I hope you don't have to wait untill your kids are 30 for a run at another superbowl. Superbowl 62 in 2027 ( it will be in the Packers Oneida dome) GO PACKERS!!!!


8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. I will take the family (you, Dino, spouses, 3 dogs, and 5 kids) to a game in 2027 after we come home from closing the up north cabin. I should be able to get close handicapped seats in the Oneida dome. And your mom can get to the slots for 1/2 time.

When are you going to visit your mother, bring over the granddoggy, and get this big pile out of your mail box?

8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Positive; Packers win!
Negative; It was close against 0-3 Detroit.
There, I got it on your blog before you!

5:39 PM  

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