Sunday, February 19, 2006


It sure has been cold. The coldest in 9 years they said on the news the other night. I believe it. Today it was 16 and it felt like a warm spell.

Had a really nice weekend. On Friday, I went with Shannon to Scrapmania to help her with their wedding invitations. They turned out cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute :)

Yesterday, we really didn't go anywhere since it was -5 out. Ross was feeling a little under the weather anyway. Shan and Jerm ventured into the cold and stopped by for a visit, which was cool.
Today, we just hung out at home. I love our home :) Our new furniture is awesome.

Tomorrow I have off! I've never had off on President's Day before, but I'm surely not complaining. Next month, we get off for National Agriculture Day. Pretty cool, hey?

I've been emailing with my dad every day. It's cool, I've never communicated with him as much as this during the past few Olympics. It's neat to find out what he's covering each day, and then read his articles the next day. Plus, he's writing that blog, so its been really neat to hear about the nuances of Torino.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Check this out... dad is writing a blog while in Italy for the Olympics. How cool is that?! BTW, here's his article on Chad Hedrick winning the gold. I'm pretty stinkin' proud to be his daughter.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Cube sweet cube

Well, I'm all moved into my cube. It's not too bad. A bit crowded, but I'll get used to it. I do need some more decorations to make it more homey though: pictures, plants, maybe a lamp. Moving from an office to a cube will be a bit of an adjustment, but I'll be okay. I moved to a newer part of the building, and there is a beautiful open staircase near me with lots of windows, so that's cool. And now I don't have to deal with the sound of the warehouse, which I used to be directly above. So there's definitely pluses.

Wow, there's been a lot going on lately. The move at work; getting new furniture at home, the Superbowl, the ski trip, my dad leaving for the Olympics.

Ski Trip 2006 was awesome. I got a ton of snowshoeing in, which was cool, since we don't have any snow around here lately. It was a great time. Great people, wine, food, etc. I think it has officially became an annual thing now, so that is very cool.

Our furniture is supposed to arrive today. My mother-in-law volunteered to let the delivery guys in, which was very cool, since both Ross and I are working today. So I get to go home to new awesome is that?! I really want to make sure I get out on time today so I can get home and check it out. I've been pulling some late days lately. We are in the middle of budget planning, which is a huge undertaking. Unfortunately, my other work doesn't go away during this time, so it can be pretty crazy. I'm ducking out on time today though!

On a different note, it's official. I'm in football withdrawal. The Superbowl was this past weekend. It was kind of a snoozer. Pittsburgh beat Seattle, 21 to 10. Now, we have to wait until forever for some football action. I suppose that the Pro Bowl is this weekend, but it's not usually the football I know and love. The players are soft, not wanting to injure themselves, and I think half of them have checked out mentally and are thinking about their break. I guess you can't blame them.

My dad leaves for the Olympics today. He'll be gone for a whole month! That's a long time. Everyone always says, "How cool, your dad gets to go to the Olympics." And it is cool, but it is a TON of work for him. He usually works 16-18 hour days during the games. That's kinda rough, hey? This time's a bit different though, because my stepmom is flying to Italy to meet him and they plan to tour the country when the Olympics are done. He has that to look forward to when he is on his 16 straight hour of running around, writing stories, etc.

Well, my lunch break is just about over and the budget beckons. Later....