Thursday, October 27, 2005

Wow...I guess it's been awhile. I guess there's been a lot going on...The water heater is great; thanks, Moon. Ross and I took some time last weekend to insulate our attic finally. It was a big job, but worth it. It was a mess though, let me tell you. The Packers lost again. Not only did they blow a huge lead, but the lost Ahman Green for the season, and Fergie for 2-4 weeks. That's pretty rough. Poor Brett. I was a bit depressed on Monday and Tuesday. Besides it was dark and gloomy on Monday represented my feeling well. Me and the rest of Packer nation...Oh well. They're still my team and they always will be.

On a brighter note, Halloween is this weekend! I'm really looking forward to having Trick-or-Treaters :) I think Ross and I are going to carve pumpkins tomorrow night. I love carving pumpkins! And roasting some seeds...yum.

Work is going great. I'm really liking my job. I feel like I'm using my brain and my education...I didn't have that for awhile near the end of the last job. I've got several products that I feels good. Got a bit of a big presentation next week...little bit nervous about that one :)

Can I just tell you how great Ross is? I took his car to work today to bring my boss some wardrobe boxes. (BTW, those boxes have been around. They came back with Charlotte from Germany; Shannon and Jeremy used them for their move; Ross and I used them for our move, and now my boss is using them for her's!) So, I get home and to find out Ross washed and vacuumed my car, got an oil change, put on new windshield wipers, and put in an air filter. I so appreciate that, baby. Thank you.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Moon-dog to the rescue!

I seriously don't know what we would do without Moon. He is always there when we need him the most. On Thursday, I came home from work to discover that our water heater bit the dust. We knew it was only a matter of time, but is there ever a good time for those kind of things to happen? There was water on the floor, and it was making a crazy noise. Ross was at work, so I called Moon. He came right over to turn it off and get it all unhooked. He instructed me to call around and price things out. I called a few places and discovered that installation was not cheap. Home Depot wanted to charge us $299 just for the installation. That's only $30 less than the heater itself! Well, I went to work Friday not sure what we were going to do (let me tell you, washing my face with cold water that morning sure woke me up!). I come home from work yesterday to discover Moon, Jeffy and Ross putting in a new water heater! Moon even paid for the water heater, and is allowing us to pay him in installments so we didn't have to put it on a credit card. Didn't I tell you he is always there for us?! He is so awesome! Thanks again, Moon-dog!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Pack is back, baby!

What an awesome game! The Packers absolutely steamrolled the Saints 52-3! They looked great. They totally built on the momentum from the Monday night game. The defense looked good; the offensive line seemed to finally gel; the run-game got going, opening up the field for passing. All around, they played really good. It was refreshing to see...I hope it shut some of the people up who believe they are done. I wouldn't count them out just yet. They are going into the bye week at 1 and 4. Yeah, that's not pretty, but they were 1 and 4 at this point last season, and they went on to win enough games to go to the playoffs. If there is ever a time of a season for a team to play badly, the beginning of the season is that time; you want to come out strong in the second half of the season and build some momentum through the end of the year. The Packers are usually a good 2nd half season team. Let's hope they can keep it going now!

I'll tell you, Monday morning isn't going to be such a bummer tomorrow!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Well, we changed our plans today...

but definitely for the better. We intended to spend this weekend adding some insulation to our house. We went to Home Depot and talked to some guy named Jim, who was very helpful by the way, and realized we have a bit more work cut out for ourselves than originally anticipated. Besides, my dad called with a way better offer. He wanted to head up to Green Bay, because some of the Favre family was there to sign the "Favre" book. They were selling a special edition of the book in which the proceeds go to the Brett Favre Fourward Foundation for Hurricane Relief. My dad really wanted to go to give Bonita copies of the articles he had written about Favre (story 1, story 2). He was planning to mail them, but unfortunately there is nowhere to send them at the moment, due to Hurricane Katrina. So, needless to say, the insulation is going to have to wait for another weekend, because we went with him. We had an awesome time! My dad introduced us to all of the Favres, we went to the new Hall of Fame (which was very cool), wandered around the Proshop, got some dinner...what is cooler than spending a day hanging out at Lambeau...definitely not putting in insulation! Ross had been trying to get me the pink Packer hat for some time, but unfortunately they were backordered. But yea!...there were a bunch at the Proshop, so I got one :) What a great day....

Before I have to go, I need to send a shout-out to Shannon and Jeremy. They are running in the Chicago Marathon tomorrow. I know they'll do great. All of their training and hard work will come to fruition! What a great feeling that will be. Congrats, you guys!