Monday, August 21, 2006

I've been slackin' I guess. That last few weeks have been busy. Ross' b-day, the girls b-days, up north, a wedding...whew; no wonder summer has gone by so fast!

Our trip up north was good. Definitely an interesting dynamic this year. The important thing is that we were all there together - except John :( and to me there is nothing better than that. Things are changing, and change is hard for me. I'm trying to see the positives in it, and there are definitely positives...Dean and I are heading up for Labor Day weekend to help my grandparents close down the place. This will be the first time that we have participated in the closing, and I think it will be good for all of us. Dean and I will learn the ropes a bit, grandma and grandpa will have some help with the heavy lifting, etc. Aside from a few tense moments, everyone had a great time. Big shout-out to Moon dog for all the excellent grilled food-yummy! And of course, my grandma made her "real spaghetti." It was so delicious. On the way up, I dropped Ross off in Antigo so he could ride his bike the rest of the way...let me tell you, it's about an hour by car! He did awesome...he's gearing up for his second century this Sunday. Sam and Sara had a good time on the neighbor's ski board and the rope swing - they did great! I brought up my journal and almost everyone wrote in it, which is so cool. Although I left it up there like a big dork; that's okay, I'll be back in 2 weeks. Plus, I didn't get a chance to read what everyone wrote, so that will be kind of cool...

This past Friday, I went over to my grandma and grandpa D'Amato's house to help my grandma with her new computer. They made me a lunch of the most excellent BLTs I've ever had! My grandma's new computer is really nice...And today is my grandpa's b-day...Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Saturday, we headed up to the Hilton in downtown Milwaukee for Jenny and Phil's wedding - Congratulations Jenny and Phil! The Hilton was gorgeous and the reception was really nice. We had a good time hanging out. Craig and I even managed to sneak in most of the Packer preseason game. They looked great...way better than last week, anyway. They beat the Falcons 38-10! I know; I know, it's preseason...we'll really see what they are made of on Sept. 10th when Chicago comes to town!

This weekend promises to be just as busy. On Saturday I have my annual get-together with my college girlsfriends. I'm looking very forward to it. Sunday is Ross' century, and my dad's baseball team is playing for the league championship!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Happy B-day Ross!

Happy 28th Birthday to the most wonderful husband a woman could ask for. I hope you have a fantastic you mucho!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I've got the itch...

Football is so close I can taste it. The Packers started their Training Camp last Friday, and their first preseason game is in 10 days...whoo hoo! I'm pretty stinkin' excited. Favre caused some stir a few days ago when he said in his press conference that this is one of the most talented teams he's ever had around him. I don't think a lot of people see it that way...the majority of the team are rookies, or 1st or 2nd year players...not exactly bursting with experience. It will be interesting to see how it goes this year. I do think Brett is trying to get his young teammates excited by saying that to the media. I'm sure they're listening, and hopefully it will light a fire under them. Coming off a 4-12 season will be rough...but that doesn't matter to me. I'm a true- blue Packer fan and I love them no matter what happens this year. Plus every team starts the season with the same record and a lot can happen. I plan to sit back and enjoy it, especially because this could really be Favre's last year. Go Packers!