Monday, November 26, 2007

Class of '97

This past weekend was my 10-year high school reunion. Dang. I'm amazed at how fast the time has gone. It really made me take a look back on high school, in particular, the exercise of listing where you want to be in 5 and 10 years. When I was a senior, I wanted to have a career well-established, be married and have a child or children in 10 years. I'm so blessed to say that I have all three. It was interesting to see where people are at in life. Some were still partying like they were in college, others were on the brink of getting married and settling down. Most had careers - I got reacquainted with different classmates; one a salesmen, another, a pilot, and yet another who is a professional football player in the NFL. It's crazy how people's lives turn out. I was one of only a few who had a kid - kind of strange to me; I thought there would have been more. I had a fantastic time, and it really made me proud and thankful to think about all I have and all that I have done.